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Fernando, CEO GAannotations on the Latest Trends in Google Analytics Annotations


Technology as we know it is a growing trend, and we can’t get enough of the new hacks and upgrades that emerge each day. But, for marketing, it has perhaps been one of the luckiest areas where technology continues to improve with significant developments and new programs popping up.

Over the past year, Google released the Google Analytics 4 marketing tool to replaced Universal Analytics. Unfortunately, suppose you are an active user of the Google Analytics tool. In that case, it won’t take long before you discover there’s an essential feature missing from the new statistical and analytics tool. There’s no annotations feature. And that makes it pretty tricky for marketers and analysts to track events and actions that are bound to affect your analysis and overall website performance.

Since Google hasn’t said anything about this crucial feature, we have to do something. My team at GAannotations and I have developed an extension that helps you automatically annotate events and actions on your data. When you enable the extension, you can import your annotations from Universal Analytics or create new ones. With it, you will receive automatic notifications of events and actions that will help you understand your website and make better decisions.

What is GAannotations?

In simple words, GAannotations is a tool to help teams keep track and record every event that may affect their businesses for good or bad. Those insights recorded will help them understand their data better and make more intelligent and goal-driven decisions for their businesses.

What Kind Of Events Can A Company Track?

Events include anything that can affect the business performance and client interaction. It can be an update on a platform, a design change, an offer change or a new product, a new Ads campaign.

Events can also include what the company has no control over. For example, after a big storm, contractors get more work. §Retail websites need to be aware of special days like Cyber Monday or a special marketing day. So many things can affect a business, and we try to help cover all with this tool through automation and integrations.

Tell Me About The Automations And Integrations, How Those Events

Are Added To The Tool?

We agree that businesses must track and record events that connect with them in some way. However, we understand it’s not easy and takes a lot of time. This is what GAannotations tries to solve. To make a recording so easy by simplifying event tracking. Then, your team does not have to break a sweat to gather helpful data insights.

We have the Automations feature. With just a click in the setup, you can get annotations for new Google Algorithm Updates that affect SEO and online presence. For example, you can monitor your website if it’s down, automatically notes Retail Marketing Dates, WordPress Updates, News Alerts for articles and press releases, and much more.

For the integrations, teams can add annotations directly from the tools they do their work. The tool works well with Slack, Trello, Asana, Google Ads, Mailchimp, Google Sheets, and almost any marketing and analytics tool. Integrations make the tool simple, save time, and allow your team to know what your competition is up to in real-time.

Where Is The Data Displayed?

There are four options you can enable to see the annotations. The first one is on the platform, where you can also manage all your annotations.

The second one is through the extension. You can open the extension in any URL and see the list of your annotations and add manually from there too.

And the key one is on your Google Analytics account, directly on your property page. This can help you understand all your traffic better at a glance.

And also, with our API, you can export your annotations to other tools for effective tool collaboration.

Google Analytics Has A Similar Solution Already?

In the previous and most famous Google Analytics version, Universal Analytics, there’s an option to add annotations to the property. Still, you can only do it manually and only from the Google Analytics page.

In the latest version of google analytics launched in November 2020, the Google Analytics 4, there is no option to add annotations yet, either manually or through automation. But even if Google will add this option, the GAannotations tool gives much more than just annotations on Google Analytics. It’s a place to combine all the tools your team needs to improve event tracking and data recording for your business.

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