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Health Canada must reconsider man’s bid to use magic mushrooms for cluster headaches, Federal Court rules


A 51-year-old Calgary man who suffers debilitating cluster headaches has won a Federal Court battle forcing Health Canada to reconsider his bid for legal access to psilocybin to treat his extreme pain.┬а

Ottawa Federal Court Judge Simon Fothergill, on May 24, granted an application for judicial┬аreview of Health Canada’s denial of Jody Lance’s bid for┬аlegal┬аaccess to medical grade psilocybin тАФ┬аthe active ingredient in hallucinogenic mushrooms тАФ┬аto manage pain associated with the headaches, which is so bad they have┬аearned the nickname “suicide headaches.”

That decision тАФ which also highlighted┬аthe need to consider a patient’s Charter rights┬атАФ is┬аbeing hailed by others fighting to access psilocybin for┬аmedical reasons.

Requests to access controlled substances in special medical circumstances are filed through Health Canada’s┬аSpecial Access Program (SAP). In their July 12, 2023, SAP application Lance and his Calgary neurologist, William Jeptha Davenport, requested legal access psilocybin to help treat pain. Health Canada denied the request due to lack of research into the efficacy of the drug to treat cluster headaches.

Ruling a major step forward, advocate says

Last week’s ruling gave the health ministry 14 days to reconsider Lance’s request and to┬аtake his Charter rights into more careful consideration. Fothergill called the decision to deny Lance access to the drug “unreasonable” and “unintelligible.”

Health Canada told CBC News via email that it has┬аnoted the court’s decision and will comply with the judgment.

In an email to CBC┬аNews, Lance said he hopes this ruling helps others like him who are seeking safe, legal options to avoid what he called an┬а“unnecessarily difficult journey.”┬а

“It’s a first step in the right direction,” wrote Lance, a former land surveyor.

Spencer Hawkswell, president of the psychedelic advocacy group TheraPsil, described the ruling┬аas a major┬аstep forward that makes clear that “what these┬аpatients are asking for is not ridiculous.”

“This is the first time that we’ve actually had the courts and a judge say a [Health Canada] decision lacks that justice and intelligibility,” he said.┬а

In recent years there’s been emerging evidence suggesting that psilocybin can help relieve extreme pain experienced by those suffering from cluster headaches, with at least one clinical trial observing a small reduction in cluster headache attacks in participants who were given the drug. (Ben Nelms/CBC)

Pain from cluster headaches

The Mayo Clinic describes cluster headaches as a rare, painful form of headache often involving “extreme sharp or stabbing pain” often around the eyes, in the head or neck that can last for weeks. According to experts, the exact causes┬аremain unclear.

Ottawa human rights lawyer Nicholas Cope, who helped prepare Lance’s exemption application, described cluster headaches as “one of the most painful conditions known to humanity.”┬аHe noted┬аthat some studies comparing pain levels┬аof different conditions suggest they┬аare┬аmore painful than gunshot wounds,┬аkidney stones┬аor childbirth.

Fothergill cited experts in his ruling who described┬аcluster headaches as┬а“capable of inflicting the most severe pain known to science.”

In recent years there’s been emerging evidence suggesting┬аpsilocybin can help relieve pain for┬аsome who suffer┬аfrom the headaches, with at┬аleast┬аone clinical trial observing┬аa small reduction in cluster headache attacks in┬аparticipants who were given the drug.

WATCH | The push for more research into magic mushrooms:┬а

WhatтАЩs behind the push for more magic mushrooms research

Health Canada is facing pressure to speed up research into the therapeutic potential of magic mushrooms to help people facing significant mental health issues, including PTSD. CBCтАЩs Joel Ballard visits a legal psilocybin grow-op and breaks down the demand, the potential benefits and the red tape.

In 2022, Peter McAllister, the medical director of the New England┬аInstitute for Neurology and Headache, wrote then Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos in support of Canada allowing┬аlegal exemptions for the use of psilocybin for cluster headaches, which┬аhe described as an “agonizingly painful condition that can push patients to suicide to escape the suffering.”

McAllister┬аwrote that in his experience,┬а“many cluster headache patients obtain outstanding results using psilocybin-containing mushrooms,” which he said helped prevent episodes with little danger or side effects.

Pope, the human rights lawyer, says┬аit was the same for Lance.

“He tried a whole laundry list of medications and dozens of different combinations,” Pope said. “Some worked for a brief period of time and then stopped working, or even made the headaches worse.”

He argued that by denying Lance access to psilocybin, federal authorities┬аinfringed on his┬аCharter right to┬аmake reasonable medical choices regarding his physical and mental wellbeing.┬а

The ruling noted that this infringement was┬аexacerbated by delays and risked┬аLance’s┬аlife due to his suicidal ideation and the fact that he could potentially be eligible for medical assistance in dying (MAID).

Pope says┬аthe process┬аfor becoming approved to use┬аpsilocybin┬аlegally in Canada seems more difficult than applying for MAID.

“He’s found a treatment that works for him and makes life bearable. But it’s absurd: If he couldn’t get access to this treatment, then MAID really would be a legitimate possibility.”

“Mr. Lance should be allowed to use this for medical purposes with dignity and not be called a criminal for it,” Pope said.

A research scientist wearing hairnet and lab coat holds and looks at a magic mushroom in front of a wire rack shelf holding plastic white boxes with a small light.
Research scientist John Hume inspects a magic mushroom at Filament Health in Burnaby, B.C., in December 2023. Psilocybin has been legal for Canadians to access┬аin a limited way under Health Canada’s Special Access Program since 2022. As of November 2023, the ministry had authorized 153 requests┬аfor┬а161 patients.┬а (Ben Nelms/CBC)

Psilocybin controls

Psilocybin has been legal for Canadians to access┬аin a limited way under the Special Access Program since 2022. As of November 2023, Health Canada had authorized 153 requests┬аfor┬а161 patients.┬а

Ian MacKay, the SAP manager for┬аHealth Canada’s office of clinical trials, told federal court he has a 13-member┬аteam that handles┬аabout 1,000 requests and 800 phone calls┬аper┬аmonth,┬аmany of which┬аare medical emergencies.

Lance has suffered from┬аcluster headaches for seven years and┬аhas┬аtried┬аto treat his condition with prescribed medications. When they failed,┬аthe neurologist suggested other patients had found relief using hallucinogenic mushrooms, which was when Lance first tried them himself, his lawyer explained.

Lance will know within a few weeks if he will finally be able to get legal doses of the controlled substance.┬аIf he is denied, his legal team plans to return to┬аcourt to fight.┬а

“I would much prefer if I could put all my focus toward trying to get better rather than on court proceedings, but I am doing this in the hope that others in my situation will not need to go through this,” Lance wrote to CBC on Wednesday.

The Canadian Medical Association and the Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation declined comment on the case.┬а

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