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Moroccan Mint Tea Recipe Video: How To Make Maghrebi Mint Tea at Home? Easy Steps To Make This Brew Packed With Minerals


Moroccan mint tea, also known as “Maghrebi mint tea” or “Moroccan green tea,” is a traditional North African beverage that holds significant cultural and social importance in Morocco and the broader Maghreb region. It is not only a popular drink but also a symbol of hospitality, friendship, and Moroccan culture. As you look for a classic Moroccan mint tea recipe, we at Today News 24 have bought a basic recipe for making Moroccan mint tea for about 4 servings.  Brew These Soothing Teas to Beat Digestive Discomfort and Alleviate Gas and Bloat!

Moroccan mint tea is believed to have various health benefits due to the antioxidants in green tea and the digestive properties of mint. It is often served after meals to aid digestion. Moroccan mint tea, also known as Maghrebi mint tea, is relatively simple to prepare but requires attention to detail to achieve the perfect balance of flavours.

Moroccan Mint Tea Ingredients

2-3 teaspoons of loose green tea leaves (or 2-3 green tea bags), 1 bunch of fresh spearmint leaves (about 15-20 sprigs, more or less to taste). 4 cups of boiling water and sugar (to taste, traditionally quite sweet, but adjust according to your preference)

Begin by rinsing your teapot with a small amount of boiling water to warm it. This is a common practice in Moroccan tea preparation. Place the green tea leaves (or tea bags) and the fresh spearmint leaves into the teapot. You can adjust the quantity of mint to suit your taste; Moroccan mint tea can be quite minty, so use a generous amount. Pour a small amount of the boiling water into the teapot to cover the tea leaves and mint. Swirl it around and then discard this water. This step is done to clean the tea leaves and awaken their flavours. Return the teapot to the heat source, then add sugar to taste. The amount of sugar used can vary widely, but Moroccan mint tea is traditionally quite sweet. Start with a few teaspoons and adjust to your preferred level of sweetness. Fill the teapot with about 4 cups of boiling water. Cover the teapot with its lid and let the tea steep for 3-5 minutes. The steeping time can be adjusted to make the tea stronger or milder. When serving, Moroccan mint tea is often poured from a height into small glasses to create a frothy layer on top. You can use a tea towel or cloth to hold the teapot’s handle to protect your hands from the heat. Pour the tea into small glasses and serve immediately. Moroccan mint tea is traditionally served in decorative glasses with intricate metalwork or patterns. It’s often accompanied by Moroccan pastries or sweets.

How to Make Moroccan Mint Tea – Watch Video

Making Moroccan mint tea lies in the pouring technique and the balance between the tea, mint, and sugar. Feel free to adjust the recipe to your personal taste, whether you prefer it sweeter, stronger, or milder. Enjoy the delightful and refreshing flavours of Moroccan mint tea!

(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Oct 24, 2023 09:06 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website todaynews24.top).

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