Elvish Yadav celebrated his birthday in Dubai and also took his fans on a tour of his new house in Dubai that he bought for ₹8 crore. In his latest vlog, the Bigg Boss OTT 2 winner showed the huge duplex apartment to his fans and revealed its cost. (Also read: Elvish Yadav gives tour of his under-construction home)
Elvish celebrates birthday in Dubai
The vlog began with Elvish walking inside the airport as he prepared to board a flight to Dubai. Later, after reaching Dubai, he also showed fans a glimpse of his route home from the airport. When he entered the apartment, he said he’d show his place of abode, and added that it is not a sponsored hotel. He began the tour with the ground floor of his duplex apartment and took fans through the spacious kitchen. He then walked towards the balcony which gave an overview of the high-rise buildings of Dubai.
Elvish’s ‘unlimited BHK’
As he moved to the first floor, he wondered if the apartment should be called a 4-BHK. His friends then suggested he should call it “unlimited BHK” as it has unlimited space. Elvish then walked ahead to show the bedrooms, numerous bathrooms, and even his store room.
Elvish bought a Dubai apartment for ₹8 crore
After roaming about the streets of Dubai on a scooter, Elvish revealed that the apartment was indeed one that he had bought. “Should I tell you the truth. Should I tell you why I really showed this apartment to you guys? Tumhare bhai ne liya hai ye, mast 8 khoke set kar ke (The fact, I bought it. I bought it for ₹8 crore).” He also invited fans to boast about his house if they visit Dubai.
More about Elvish Yadav
Earlier this year, Elvish bagged the winner’s trophy and ₹25 lakh on the second season of Salman Khan’s reality show Bigg Boss OTT. Contestants Pooja Bhatt, Abhishek Malhan, Bebika Dhurve, and Manisha Rani, also made it to the finale on the show that ended last month. Later in August, Elvish gave a glimpse of his under-construction house in India to his fans. He also revealed that he will move to the new house with his family soon.