Sushmita Sen’s Taali trailer was released by the the actor and makers on Monday. The trailer for the upcoming web series throws light on transgender activist Shreegauri Sawant’s daring transformation, the journey towards motherhood, and the battle that led to the inclusion of the third gender in every document in India. Also read: Sushmita Sen series out on Jio Cinema on August 15. Watch Taali teaser
Sushmita shines in Taali trailer
The actor has a commanding screen presence from her first scene itself, and forces you view uncomfortable situations with empathy. Sushmita is fierce as the relentless Shreegauri Sawant, and takes whatever gets thrown at her head-on – from wanting to become a mother since school days to the physical transformation from Ganesh to Gauri to finally being accepted by the transgender community, and taking its fight to the Supreme court.
Reactions to trailer
Sharing the teaser, Sushmita Sen wrote, “Gauri aa gayi hai. Apne swabhimaan, sammaan aur swatantrata ki kahaani lekar. Taali – Bajayenge nahi, bajwayenge (Gauri is here to fight for her respect and independence. She will no clap byt make others clap for her) ! Taali on JioCinema, streaming free 15 August onwards.”
A fan commented on her post, “You are fire and hats off to your guts for choosing a character out of the monotonous characters chosen by actresses.” Another said, “This is absolutely gorgeous!!!” One more said, “Cannot wait for this one!”
Sushmita Sen said in a statement about her portrayal of Shreegauri Sawant, “When I was first approached for Taali, in my mind it was an instant yes, however, I took six and a half months to come on-board officially. I knew I wanted to be absolutely prepared, well-read and researched to take up a critical and significant responsibility like this one. Shreegauri Sawant is an admirable human being, I connect with her on so many aspects, and I’m fortunate to have got the opportunity live through her incredible life, through this series. The road ahead to inclusivity is a long one, and I’m certain Taali is a force that will help spearhead this shift in the consciousness.”
Sushmita Sen on being trolled for Taali poster
After the teaser dropped last month, the actor has been busy promoting Taali on social media and in interviews. Sushmita had unveiled the first look from Taali last year in October.
Sushmita had written on Instagram, “Taali – Bajaungi nahi, bajwaungi (I will not clap, but make others clap). First look as Shreegauri Sawant. Nothing makes me prouder and more grateful than to have the privilege of portraying this beautiful person and of bringing her story to the world. Here’s to life and to everyone’s right to live it with dignity! I love you guys.”
In a recent interview with News18, Sushmita said that she faced backlash from ‘nameless people on social media’ following the first look launch of Taali. She told News18, “The first poster of Taali that I had released had half my face and the clap. I remember that in the comment section, there were lots of nameless people as social media is full of, writing ‘chhakka (eunuch)’ repeatedly. I thought, how can they do that to me? I took it very personally because it was happening on my timeline. I, of course, blocked all of them. But it hit me that if that’s how it’s making me feel when I’m only portraying Gauri Sawant’s life, they’re living with it every breathing moment of their life.”
About Taali
Sushmita Sen, who was last seen in the titular character in Aarya season 2 on Disney+ Hotstar in 2021, will next soon seen in Taali. The series is all set to start streaming on JioCinema from August 15. Taali, based on transgender activist Shreegauri Sawant’s life, is directed by National Film Awards-winning director Ravi Jadhav.