24 x 7 World News

Zach Galifianakis Says Billionaires Like Jeff Bezos Are ‘Very Bizarre People’


By Becca Longmire.

Zach Galifianakis is taking on the role of Beanie Baby creator Ty Warner in the upcoming film “The Beanie Bubble”, but in real life, the actor thinks billionaires are pretty “bizarre.”

Galifianakis chatted to ET Canada’s Carlos Bustamante about the flick, which follows Warner as “a frustrated toy salesman until his collaboration with three women grew his idea into the biggest toy craze in history.”

Talking about people that “obsess over and idolize these eccentric billionaires,” Galifianakis said, “I think we’ve always been obsessed with the wealthy and how they got there. But a lot of these people that get real successful and are very wealthy, they’re real weird. They’re very bizarre people.

“I mean, I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the Jeff Bezos interview. That guy’s interpersonal skills are bizarre.

“So it’s interesting that we always, I mean, Time Warner was very flashy. He was a salesman. I mean, he was a carnival barker. I think a lot of those type of people are carnival barkers. They have this drive to be seen and to make a lot, a lot of money. And I think that kind of personality I am always wary of.”

“The Beanie Bubble”
— Photo: Apple

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Before his billionaire comments, Galifianakis pointed out that he predicted the parachute pants trend.

He admitted, “You know, I think I’m actually pretty good at predicting trends because I was definitely right about parachute pants… But I never got involved in the Beanie Baby stuff, that one to me would be hard to predict.

“That one is such an odd… I mean, people were paying for college with the money they made. It kind of launched eBay, the Beanie Baby craze. So I don’t think anybody could have predicted that. I think Ty Warner somehow knew. But the only thing I’ve ever gotten right was the parachute pants stuff.”

Zach Galifianakis in “The Beanie Bubble”. Credit: Apple/CP Images/AP
Zach Galifianakis in “The Beanie Bubble”. Credit: Apple/CP Images/AP
— Apple via AP/CP Images

‘The Beanie Bubble’ Trailer: Zach Galifianakis Stars As The Founder Of America’s Biggest Toy Craze, Beanie Babies 

As Bustamante mentioned that Bezos had rocked a pair of parachute pants in the past, Galifianakis then joked: “Well, I want to take back what I [said] about him. If he likes parachute pants, the guy must know what he’s doing.”

“The Beanie Bubble” premieres on Apple TV+ on July 28.

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