In a shocking incident that unfolded in the Bilekahalli area of Bengaluru on Monday morning, a 35-year-old woman was arrested by the police for allegedly murdering her aged mother. The accused, identified as Senali Sen, is alleged to have fed her sleeping pills and then strangled her to death.
The incident occurred at the NSR Green apartment, Bilekahalli, where Senali Sen and her mother, Biva Pal, lived together. According to police, tensions had been running high between Biva Pal and Senali Sen’s parents-in-law, leading to frequent altercations.
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Investigation revealed that it was disclosed that Biva Pal had recently confided in Senali about her intention to end her life by consuming sleeping tablets due to the alleged harassment from Senali’s parents-in-law.
“Taking matters into her own hands, Senali Sen administered approximately 20 sleeping tablets to her mother on Monday morning. After Biva Pal complained of stomach pain resulting from the ingestion of the pills, she was then strangled to death by her own daughter,” said a senior official.
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Following this, the accused placed her deceased mother’s body in a trolley bag, along with a photograph of her late father, and proceeded to the Mico Layout police station, in an Uber Auto, where Sen surrendered before the police.
Hailing from Kolkata, Senali Sen had been residing in Bengaluru for the past six years. Previously employed as a physiotherapist, she had been unemployed for the last two years, remaining predominantly at home.