Writer, producer and actor Actor , who has made a comeback on screen with Hansal Mehta’s latest web show titled ‘Scoop’, said that he was reluctant to do the part. Harman portrays the role of JCP Shroff, who’s pivotal to the story. After being away from the screen for a decade, the actor has made a smashing return. Overhwhelmed with the response received Harman said: “What can I say, sometimes things are meant to happen. I was genuinely reluctant to do the part, I was busy writing-producing films but it’s hard to say no to a filmmaker like Hansal.” Scoop Review: Karishma Tanna Gives Career-Best Performance in Hansal Mehta’s Gripping and Often Contemplative Netflix Series (Today News 24 Exclusive).
“I’m elated with the response and I’d like to thank all the critics and audiences who’ve shown their appreciation for my work.”Scoop is a six-episode series that revolves around a spine-chilling murder case and uncovers a web involving the media, underworld and the Mumbai Police. Scoop: Chhota Rajan Moves Bombay HC to Halt Streaming of Hansal Mehta and Karishma Tanna’s Netflix Series.
Apart from this gripping drama series, Harman Baweja is actively writing and producing films under his banner, Baweja Studios. From the, Hindi adaptation of the critically acclaimed Malayalam film, The Great Indian Kitchen with Sanya Malhotra playing the lead to many more interesting projects lined up that are yet to be announced.
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Jun 05, 2023 11:31 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website todaynews24.top).