The upcoming Goa-Mumbai Vande Bharat inauguration ceremony, which was to be held on Saturday, June 3, has been called off in view of the tragic train derailment incident in Odisha’s Balasore. At least 179 people were injured, and around 50 others were feared dead as several coaches of the Coromandel Express derailed in Odisha’s Balasore district on Friday evening, following which it collided head-on with another train on the other line. Coromandel Express Accident: 179 People Injured, Around 50 Feared Dead After Head-On Collision With Goods Trains in Balasore.
Mumbai-Goa Vande Bharat Express Event Cancelled:
ALERT- Goa Mumbai Vande Bharat event cancelled due to the Colamandel train accident
— Rajendra B. Aklekar (@rajtoday) June 2, 2023
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