A 16-year-old student preparing for the all-India pre-medical entrance test was found hanging from the ceiling fan of his hostel room in Rajasthan’s coaching hub of Kota on Wednesday night, police said on Thursday. This is the third such suspected suicide this month in Kota.
Police said the 16-year-old had arrived in Kota a month back from Bihar’s Nalanda to prepare for the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (Undergraduate).
Eight students have died by suicide this year in Kota. Mental stress and the pressure of studies have been blamed for the suicides. On May 11, a 15-year-old student from Uttar Pradesh was found hanging from the ceiling fan of his hostel room. It was the second suicide in four days in the coaching hub. Last year, 15 coaching students died by suicide in Kota.
Over 225000 students are estimated to be undergoing coaching in Kota for tests for admissions to medical and engineering colleges.