24 x 7 World News

Why striking PSAC members want remote work enshrined in their contract


Language for post-pandemic telework should be enshrined in contracts for Canada’s 150,000 striking federal civil servants, say their union, with workers arguing it’s good for the environment, their own well-being┬аand the public they serve.

Employees with Canada’s largest public sector┬аunion are in their second week of a nationwide walkout┬аto back demands for issues that include higher wages and┬аworking from home. The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) wants contract language entrenched in┬аa universal work-from-home policy.

After COVID-19 pandemic restrictions were lifted, the Treasury Board of Canada тАФ the primary┬аemployer of the core public service тАФ announced a┬аblanket policy on telework in mid-December, telling employees┬аthey should return to the office for two to three days a week, starting in mid-January. The plan was┬аfully implemented at┬аthe end of March.

PSAC┬аnational president Chris Aylward┬аimmediately condemned the new in-person work mandate for public servants, saying it was “arbitrarily announced,” “poorly planned” and issued with “zero consultation┬аwith the unions.”

The union said in a statement in December that working of any kind, done remotely or in the office,┬аshould┬аbe negotiated at the bargaining table.

WATCH | Return-to-office mandate ‘disrespectful’ to public servants, union leader says:

Return to office mandate ‘disrespectful’ to public servants, union president says

Public Service Alliance of Canada president Chris Aylward called a new in-person work mandate for public servants a ‘knee-jerk reaction’ from the federal government.

Tens of thousands of striking PSAC members took to Parliament Hill┬аon Wednesday, including some who say they don’t plan on budging from the picket line until a work-from-home option┬аis included in any deal.

“I think it’s in the best interest of all Canadians that if we can work from home, that we continue to do so. It’s better for the environment, it’s┬аbetter for our mental health and so many issues,” said Angela Bilmer, who was on the picket line in Ottawa.

“We have the technology now, so let’s do it. Working from home, getting that language in our collective agreement would be a huge step forward.”

Working from home is beneficial on several fronts, including an improved┬аwork-life balance, said┬аRebecca Marchand-Smith, who also took strike action on the Hill on Wednesday. Leaving┬аit up to managers to make decisions on remote work is an arbitrary approach, she said.

WATCH | Treasury Board head┬аannounces ‘common hybrid model’ for return to office:┬а

President of the Treasury Board announces тАШcommon hybrid modelтАЩ for federal public servants’ return to offices

Treasury Board President Mona Fortier says there is a need for тАШconsistency in how hybrid work is applied across the federal governmentтАЩ and this new model will require employees to work onsite for тАШ40 to 60 per cent of their regular schedule.тАЩ

“Because then the government could come in and say, ‘Five┬аdays in the office, back to work now,'” she said, “and┬аso we need a stronger stance on the stronger wording from this.”

“Hybrid is here to stay, but it’s the managers’ decision. So I think that in terms of climate and in terms of people’s well-being, in terms of┬аpeople’s energy and quality of life, working from home, the majority of the time, is the way to go.”

Savings keep adding up

John Klotz, a certified financial planner in Markham, Ont., estimates┬аthat someone doing a┬аfull-time job from home in the Greater Toronto Area instead of commuting could┬аsave┬а as much as $1,800┬аa month by doing away with the cost of gas or transit fares, child care, eating out and buying professional clothing.

“You’re not going to the office and buying a latt├й anymore┬аor that expensive sandwich; you’re making your own at┬аhome,” Klotz said.

“It adds up. It was┬аserious overhead,” he said. “Plus, workers┬аcan justify writing off a┬аhome office.”

Push for work-life balance┬аnot new

Alison Braley-Rattai, associate professor of labour studies at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ont., said telework has been an important conversation for many Canadians prior to the pandemic with the “movement toward things like work-life balance, even environmental impacts of commuting, gridlock, things like that.”

“There has been a kind of conversation about whether or not there should be more work from home,┬аhybrid arrangements┬аand so forth,” she told CBC Radio’s Daybreak Alberta this week.

“But the pandemic absolutely put that into the starkest relief possible тАФ when anyone who could work from home┬аwas sent home to do so.”

Canadians reorganized their lives in order to work from┬аhome and then realized they could reap the benefits тАФ and for some, that meant a better work-life balance,┬аBraley-Rattai said.

WATCH┬а| Federal government draws red line on telework in negotiations with PSAC:┬а

Federal government draws red line on telework in negotiations with PSAC

On the issue of telework in negotiations with PSAC, Treasury Board President Mona Fortier says it’s the right of management to continue to evaluate how to best deliver services, and will not be part of a collective agreement.

Break from ‘brutal’ commute

Dan Barrett, a PSAC local president in Toronto, said on Thursday that he finds┬аworking from home a┬аrelief from the city’s “brutal” commute and that it helps with productivity, but there are also wider benefits that come with enshrining these┬аrights “so┬аthey’re properly controlled.”

He said it would be a “better setup for the future to serve Canadians better” and could be used as a foundation for other┬аcollective agreements.

In a statement last Monday, the Treasury Board said it was willing to do a “formal review” of the telework directive with unions to ensure its approach is “fair and supportive of our employees” while ensuring they┬аcan serve Canadians.

At the same time, however, Treasury Board President Mona Fortier┬аsaid┬аit’s the right of management to continue to evaluate how to best deliver services, and telework will not be part of a collective agreement.

In addition to a work-from-home agreement, PSAC┬аhad requested┬аa 13.5-per-cent pay raise over three years, but Aylward┬аtold┬аCBC’s┬аPower & Politics┬аon Wednesday that the┬аunion has┬аalready “moved twice” on its wage demand.

LISTEN | Companies are changing┬аremote work strategies from ‘pandemic’ to ‘permanent’:┬а

Front Burner22:38Work-from-home goes тАШpandemicтАЩ to тАШpermanentтАЩ

Twitter says its staff can work from home as long as they want. The head of Shopify says тАЬoffice centricity is over.тАЭ OpenText is shuttering half of its offices, reducing its workforce and shifting 2000 employees to remote work. COVID-19 forced hundreds of millions of employees to temporarily work from home, but companies are starting to change their remote work strategies from тАЬpandemicтАЭ to тАЬpermanent.тАЭ Today on Front Burner, NPR reporter Bobby Allyn explains whatтАЩs driving the enthusiasm for remote work in Silicon Valley, and the employee surveillance tools he calls a тАЬmorale destroyer.тАЭ Then, author and UN Happiness Committee member Jennifer Moss tells us who working from home is and isnтАЩt working for.

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