The Delhi High Court has rejected the plea of a school student requesting that he be allowed to retake the Class XI final examination, observing that the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) rules do not allow it.
Filed by the student’s grandmother, the petition stated that the boy is a bright student but was unwell before the Class XI final exams.
As a result, he could not study and managed to score only 42.2%, the petition added. It also requested the removal of the detention marks from his Class XI marksheet.
However, counsel for the school informed the court that there is no provision for allowing the boy to take the Class XI final examination again, according to the CBSE Rules. The school also submitted that he has rightly been detained in Class XI as his performance has been consistently poor since term I.
The parents of the child were also called and advised in this regard, but the student was not able to improve his scores and got very low marks, it added.
Justice Mini Pushkarna, in the April 11 order, stated that the boy’s poor academics had to be considered and advised him to repeat Class XI.