24 x 7 World News

Workers and farmer union leaders in Haryana try to garner support for “Mazdoor Kisan Sangharsh Rally”


The workers and farmer union leaders in Haryana, have held meetings in over 400 villages and towns across the State over the past two weeks, reaching out to thousands of people to garner support for the “Mazdoor Kisan Sangharsh Rally”, in Delhi’s Ramlila Maidan on Wednesday.

The Centre of Indian Trade Unions, Haryana, vice-president Satvir Singh said the leaders of Kisan Sabha, Khet Mazdoor Union and his trade union, directly reached out to around 30,000 workers and farmers in the State, holding meetings from March 15-28.

“Six teams led by different leaders of the three organisations went across the State, each holding around half-a-dozen meetings daily. We expect around 40,000-50,000 people to reach Delhi from Haryana alone,” said Mr. Singh.

He added that there was a sense of anger and disappointment against the present regime and the people were looking for a political alternative to seek relief from the price rise, unemployment and deteriorating law and order situation.

Mr. Singh said one of the aims of the rally was to present a political alternative to the present regime, in terms of pro-poor policies. “More rallies and nation-wide campaigns would follow the Delhi rally, in the run-up to the Lok Sabha election next year,” said Mr. Singh.

Haryana Kisan Sabha vice-president, Inderjit Singh said the rally being held in the backdrop of independent struggle of farmers against the three farm laws, sought legal guarantee of the Minimum Support Price for crops, compensation for crops damaged by bad weather, repeal of four anti-worker labour codes, strengthening of the Public Distribution System, enhancement of Budget allocation for MGNREGA, and regularisation of scheme workers.

He added that the rally would focus not only on economic issues but also on the alleged authoritarian drive of the Modi government, disrupting the unity and social fabric of the people. He said an urgency was being felt by farmers and workers’ organisations to launch struggles aiming at replacement of existing pro-corporate policies with alternative set of policies, to hit at crony capitalism and narrow down vulgar levels of economic disparity.

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