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India’s stray dog menace: A crisis of proportions | India News


A horrifying viral video of stray dogs mauling a four-year-old boy to death inside a housing society in Hyderabad has left people scarred for life.
This is not the first time that stray dogs have killed or attacked vulnerable members of society.
Incidents of pets attacking humans have also made headlines many times.
Why are there so many stray dogs in India? Whose fault is it? And what needs to be done to solve the problem?
India’s population … a whopping 1.4 people on a relatively small piece of land.
India is about one-third the size of the US, and yet the second most populous country in the world. The extremely overcrowded conditions and a dense population are just a couple of reasons for the number of strays.

Stray dog menace: How to solve the stray dog problem | How to control stray dogs

Why are there so many stray dogs in India?
At present, there are over 10 million pet dogs in the country. By this year, the number is expected to shoot to 30 million. Compare this with India’s stray dog population- about 35 million- and it’s easy to see that there is a real problem India has on it’s hands.
How did this happen in the first place?
The problem goes much deeper than just the enormous number of humans and dogs. For starters, India does not have effective systems in place for animal healthcare and control.
Consequently, proper steps are not taken to keep pets healthy and strays under control. This lack of proper animal control measures has led to the unchecked breeding of strays, resulting in a massive population explosion.
Moreover, many people abandon their pets or allow them to roam freely, contributing to the stray dog population. This is morally wrong. There are options of surrendering your pet if you cannot take care of it anymore. Consider a shelter or trying to find a good home.
However, the issue is not just about the number of strays, but also their behaviour. Stray dogs often form packs and become aggressive, attacking humans and other animals. These attacks can very well be fatal, as we have seen in the recent horrific incident in Hyderabad.
According to the National Crime Records Bureau, there were 4,146 reported cases of dog bites leading to human deaths in India in 2019. This is a staggering number and highlights the severity of the problem.
According to official data, with about 290,000 street dogs, the Indian state of Kerala is not even in the list of top 10 Indian states with the most strays. In terms of dog bites, Kerala reported about 100,000 cases in just seven months in 2022.
The problem isn’t new or even recent in Kerala along with other states.
Experts state that improper disposal of waste, abandoned pets on the streets and, most importantly, inadequate sterilisation and vaccination of dogs are the primary reasons for the problem routinely gripping the state.
Who is responsible for this situation?
Is it the government, individuals, or animal welfare organizations?
The answer is all of the above.
The government has failed to implement effective measures to control the stray dog population and ensure their well-being.
Animal welfare organizations are doing their best to provide healthcare and shelter to strays, but their efforts alone are not enough.
Individuals also need to take responsibility for their pets and not contribute to the stray dog population.
Consequently, millions of dogs aren’t properly vaccinated, animal waste isn’t maintained as it should be, and a lot of dogs are left abandoned to live on the streets. This creates a bigger problem.
India has laws in place that make it illegal to remove a dog from the streets. Moreover, those same dogs cannot be driven away. So once a dog is on the streets, it has a “right” to stay there unless adopted.
The only thing that can happen is for the dog to be sterilized and vaccinated. After that, the canine is returned to the streets. While India’s law helps protect innocent dogs, it also creates the perfect environment for the stray dog problem to grow and flourish.
What needs to be done to solve the problem once and for all?
The solution to this problem requires a multi-pronged approach. First and foremost, the government needs to implement effective animal control measures and waste management to eliminate open litter from the roads.
Like in many developed countries, penalties should exist for individuals who litter or don’t clean up after their dogs. Rubbish bins and trash cans must also be provided and maintained.
Government needs to also implement sterilization programs, vaccination drives, and effective enforcement of laws against abandoning pets and stray dog control.
Mass cullings are not a long-term solution and considered unethical by many parties. The government needs to work with animal welfare organizations to provide proper healthcare and housing to strays.
Individuals also have a role to play in solving this problem. They should take responsibility for their pets and not abandon them or allow them to roam freely without a leash.
Many people buy a dog without understanding normal dog behaviour. For instance, a puppy normally undergoes teething and nipping and many owners, due to lack of knowledge, think that the dog is aggressive or biting them.
Many cage their dogs in India’s hot climates for hours at a time without giving them attention or care. Many completely shave off the fur of a dog’s coat in the summer time versus trimming it professionally, unaware that a dog’s coat of hair helps the animal cope with heat and uneasiness.
Shaving a coat completely also makes the dog vulnerable to serious diseases. If you are buying a dog or a pet, please opt for the multiple, credible training programs that exist with proven track records.
Owners also need to cooperate in training programs and many dog owners are simply unwilling to invest the time. Remember, just like human children, a dog becomes hard to manage and even aggressive if training, care and routine is not provided by owners.
In addition to this, there is a need to create awareness about responsible pet ownership and the dangers of feeding strays. Citizens must start to report stray dogs to animal welfare organizations.
The media should also play a crucial role in this by highlighting the issue and promoting responsible pet ownership, like this video is doing right now. The Indian government has taken various steps to address the issue of stray dogs in the country.
In 2001, the Animal Birth Control (ABC) program was introduced by the government, which aimed to control the population of stray dogs through sterilization and vaccination. The program is implemented by local municipalities and NGOs, with the government providing financial assistance.
Additionally, the Indian government has passed the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, which prohibits cruelty to animals, including stray dogs. The Act mandates that every owner of an animal is responsible for its well-being, and it is illegal to abandon pets or allow them to become strays.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also spoken on several occasions about the importance of adopting dogs and taking care of them. In his monthly radio address ‘Mann ki Baat’ in January 2020, he urged people to adopt Indian dog breeds and not to discriminate against them.
He emphasized that Indian dogs are very loyal and can adapt well to the Indian climate and environment and added that adopting a dog is like bringing a new family member into the house.
In response to the Kerala state government’s proposal to cull ‘aggressive and rabid’ dogs, animal activists argue that addressing the root causes of the problem is crucial. Rather than resorting to mass killings, implementing birth control programs, creating responsible systems for responsible feeding of strays and collaborating with welfare groups is the long term solution.
The government has also provided guidelines for the management of stray dogs, which includes sterilization, vaccination, and adoption programs. The good news is that these measures are in place.
What needs to be worked on, especially after the recent horrific videos of stray dog attacking children on social media is implementation of all of these measures, which is at present inadequate due to lack of funding, corrupt and/or uninvested local leaders, resources, and coordination between different government agencies.
Rebuilding trust is also necessary between humans and animals. This should be done by clearing up confusion and concern around dogs.
It is evident that more action needs to be taken and more awareness needs to be built at local and individual levels to effectively solve the root of the problem in an ethical manner and long-term manner.

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