The Karnataka Congress along with some pro-Kannada groups on Tuesday staged a protest claiming that the toll charged for two-wheelers on the Bengaluru-Mysuru expressway is very high, after which several of them were detained by police.
Congress workers also alleged that the service road has not been completed, news agency ANI reported. The protest took place at two toll plazas, namely Kaniminike and Sheshagirihalli, where police were deployed in huge numbers to control the crowd.
A Congress leader spoke to reporters and alleged that toll has been levied even though the service road has not yet been completed. “This is a BJP-ruled double-engine government. Despite that, the service road has not been completed. Now, they are collecting tolls from people. But, we have been protesting that first you should provide the services if you want toll. There is no service, no infrastructure. How will the people travel? They have just opened the toll plaza in wake of the upcoming state elections,” he said.
READ | The ambitious 10-lane Bengaluru-Mysuru Expressway | In Pics
“Those protesting against the toll are absolutely right. The service road is not available, and there is no infrastructure. It takes another two-three months. Then why are you taking a toll? The toll has been heavily imposed. The notification was also issued only at 5 o’clock yesterday (Monday), that the toll will be collected from today onwards. If it had been issued, it would still have been better,” an advocate and former President of the Advocate Association, AP Ranganath, also said.
MF Kareem, an activist, also claimed that the passengers are being charged for not having FASTag on their vehicle. “They are taking ₹270 for one way, what calculation is this? Now, they are saying that a double rate is charged for not getting a FASTag. But, those travelling from this expressway didn’t have the need to get a FASTag. This is simply looting the people,” he said.
Toll collection begins today
The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has begun collecting toll on the ambitious 10-lane Bengaluru-Mysuru expressway on Tuesday morning.
The NHAI has set a toll fee of ₹205 per car for a return journey within 24 hours, whereas mini-buses and buses will be charged ₹220 and ₹460 for a one-way journey. Toll fee on the stretch from Bengaluru to Nidaghatta (55 kms) is set at ₹135 for cars. Toll from Maddur to Mysuru will be ₹120, taking the total toll fees on the expressway to ₹255.
(With ANI inputs)