Sheopur, March 12: Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Sunday said that all the ‘Ahatas’ (open-air bars or liquor vends) running in the State will be shut from April 1. “All the Ahatas in Madhya Pradesh will be closed from April 1. Whoever wants to drink alcohol should take it to his house,” CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan said.
CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan was speaking at the foundation stone laying program of Sheopur Medical College. The Madhya Pradesh Cabinet in February decided to close all ‘ahatas’ in the state in a bid to cut and discourage the consumption of alcohol. Madhya Pradesh Assembly Elections 2023: CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan Turns to ‘Bulldozer’ To Shore Up His Image in Poll-Bound State.
The decision effectively mandates the closure of all open-air vends as alcohol will, henceforth, be sold and purchased over the counter at liquor shops and no public consumption will be allowed.
“The Cabinet has approved a proposal to close all (open-air) bars operating in the state. Now, liquor can only be bought and sold over the counter at liquor shops,” state Home Minister Narottam Mishra said in February.
“Since 2010, no new liquor shop has been closed in the state. We have introduced a new liquor policy this year to discourage people from consuming alcohol,” Mishra had said.
The minister added that the Cabinet also decided to go for stricter enforcement of rules to suspend the driving licences of those accused of drink-driving.
(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, Today News 24 Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)