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IUCAA to celebrate National Science Day on Sunday


The Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune, will celebrate National Science Day, which falls on February 28, this Sunday (February 26).

Exciting research that is underway regarding the Aditya L-1 mission will be showcased to everyone. There will be models and 3D printed demos along with posters. Special public interactions with the scientists and engineers who are actually leading the work on this have also been arranged. The Indian Solar Astronomy and Aditya-L1 mission is planned to be launched by ISRO very soon.

“It is vital to understand our own Sun, its surroundings, and its effects on the Earth. Aditya-L1 is going to be an advanced observatory, located in space, studying the Sun 24×7 and giving a boost to the research in India. Many parts of it have been made in IUCAA,” researchers said in a statement issued Friday.

Live Sun Observations will be done with special telescopes showing the current active regions on its face.

Inspiring the Future Women of Science will be a theme of a special panel session and will highlight the efforts, successful ideas and focus on positive solutions. The gates will open at 10 and people can visit the main campus up to 5.30 pm and attend a public scientist interaction in the Chandrasekhar Auditorium till 7 pm. IUCAA is located inside the S P Pune University Campus.

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