Priyanka Choudhary, Shalin Bhanot and Archana Gautam have joined co-contestant Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia in the finale week of Bigg Boss 16. In the episode, the voice of Bigg Boss announced nominations between the existing teams in the house, mandali and Priyanka Chahar, Shalin Bhanot and Archana Gautam. In the task, the housemate had to make a total of 27 minutes of time while talking to designer Ken. Bigg Boss 16: Mandali ‘Tortures’ Priyanka Chahar Choudhary in Prize Money Task (Watch Promo Video).
First went Archana where Ken interacts with her and she is shown tweets shared by the fans and after a while is asked to count and put nomination names in the box at the given time. Later, Sumbul is called, who took more time than the others. Bigg Boss 16’s Soundarya Sharma Offered a Song in Sajid Khan’s Upcoming Film – Reports.
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Once the task was over, the voice of Bigg Boss said that Sumbul and Shalin were the important contestants for the nomination and due to them one of the teams won and the other lost. Sumbul took 17 minutes and Shalin took just 7 minutes. His team was much closer to 27 minutes. The Mandli were left shocked and upset with Sumbul.
The final score of the task for the Mandli team was 36 minutes while Team B took 34 seconds so Team B won the task. Currently, those who are nominated, include Shiv, MC Stan, Nimrit Kaur and Sumbul.
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Feb 01, 2023 03:15 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website