The Delhi Police on January 24, 2023, filed a 6,629-page chargesheet against Aaftab Amin Poonawala in the Mehrauli murder case in the Saket court in New Delhi which extended his judicial custody by two weeks to February 7.
Poonawala is accused of strangling his live-in partner Shraddha Walkar and chopping her body into pieces before dumping them in different parts of the city across several days.
When Metropolitan Magistrate Aviral Shukla asked how many pages were there in the charge sheet, the investigating officer said it has 6,629 pages.
“It is voluminous,” the judge said.
“The chargesheet has finally been placed before the court today,” he added.
Police said Walkar had gone to meet another friend which Poonawala didnтАЩt like and he became violent.
тАЬOn the day of the incident, Walkar had gone to meet one of her friends which Poonawala did not like. After which he became violent and the incident happened,тАЭ Joint Commissioner of Police (South) Meenu Chaudhary said.
Police said that the charge sheet was filed under sections 302 and 201 of the IPC and over 150 testimonies have been recorded.
The court extended Poonawala’s judicial custody by 14 days till February 7.
Poonawala was produced before the court through video conferencing on expiry of his judicial custody on Tuesday.
He informed the court that he wanted to change his present advocate M.S. Khan.