Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut joined the last leg of the Bharat Jodo Yatra in Jammu on Friday and said an Opposition front without the Congress would be meaningless and that only Rahul Gandhi could challenge Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2024 and end the BJP’s “dictatorial regime”.
“The Opposition parties are trying to come together under a single banner. Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao seems to have taken an initiative in this direction. At a meeting convened by Rao, Akhilesh Yadav, Arvind Kejriwal and Pinarayi Vijayan were present. But these leaders are heading regional parties and trying to keep the Congress away. Why are they afraid of the Congress? By keeping the Congress away, forging Opposition unity is impossible,” Raut told The Indian Express after walking a good 12 km.
Raut said that given the response the Bharat Jodo Yatra had drawn, it was clear that Gandhi was posing a serious challenge to Modi both on the political and the popularity front.
“The Opposition should take a cue from the Bharat Jodo Yatra. Rahul has emerged as the favourite leader. If the Opposition joins hands with Congress and Rahul leads from the front, there is no reason why the BJP’s dictatorial regime will not be halted. Rahul Gandhi is posing a serious challenge to Narendra Modi,” he said.
Raut said his meeting with Gandhi was similar to the one between the latter and Sena leader Aaditya Thackeray. “We both hugged each other and had a hearty laugh,” said Raut.
Raut said Gandhi’s high energy level and enthusiasm had spurred him to keep walking. “Though I am a heart patient, I felt like I should keep walking with Rahul. It was Rahul who told me to take a breather otherwise I was game for a few more kilometres…Rahul’s energy level and enthusiasm are infectious. He is leading from the front, every individual in his Yatra tries to keep pace with him but he keeps his spirited walk going, smiling and interacting on the way,” the Sena MP said.
Raut said he had a long conversation with Gandhi on everything from politics to health. “Rahul inquired about my health. He used to do so when I was in jail. He was in touch with my family. He inquired about the health of our party chief, Uddhav Thackeray, and also expressed desire to meet him,” said Raut.
Raut said the Yatra was delayed by more than an hour because of heavy rain. “Unmindful of the drizzle, I walked hand in hand with Rahul. Rahul himself looked unstoppable. The response all along the route was overwhelming. I wish I could carry on but Rahul wanted me to rest because of health reasons,” he said.
Raut said Thursday that he had met government employees from the Kashmiri Pandit community who have been protesting for over 11 months demanding relocation to Jammu. “I expressed the Shiv Sena’s support for them,” he said.