24 x 7 World News

B.C. university bullying and harassment investigation substantiates at least 10 allegations


An investigation into bullying and harassment claims involving two senior leaders at Thompson Rivers University has found that some allegations were valid, according to a report released by the Kamloops institution on Tuesday. 

The university says of the 55 complaints involving eight people who were investigated, at least 10 were substantiated.  Investigators were unable to make findings on at least four allegations, according to the report, which has been heavily redacted.

According to TRU, complaints first surfaced in February 2021, prompting the university to obtain legal counsel. 

CBC later learned that several current and former staff and faculty members came forward with allegations of anti-Indigenous racism and bullying, and one was also accused of sexual harassment.

Matt Milovick, the vice-president of finance and administration and his subordinate Larry Phillips, then-assistant vice-president of people and culture, were accused of fostering a toxic workplace, according to documents obtained by CBC News and interviews with more than a dozen people in 2021. 

By fall, a full investigation had begun. 

Since then, Phillips has left the university. Milovick remains in his role. 

On Tuesday, the university released a report addressing the allegations, finding that some were substantiated. 

TRU did not name anyone, citing privacy and legal concerns. However, based on information previously shared by a number of complainants willing to talk to CBC, 22 allegations were made against one man, and 33 were made against another. 

The report found that 10 of the allegations against one individual who received 33 complaints that were investigated were substantiated, and none of the allegations against the other individual were.

“This is not a public inquiry. These matters involve individuals and issues related to their employment. As such, the report and findings are protected. These are considered private employment matters by law and will be treated as such,” TRU board chair Marilyn McLean said in a statement.

A total of 34 witnesses were interviewed, and investigators reviewed “hundreds” of documents, including emails, media reports, social media posts and text messages, TRU says.

During a news conference on Tuesday, McLean said the investigation, which lasted more than a year, cost the university more than $1 million in legal fees.

“I’m confident that investigators took the time they needed to ensure a comprehensive result,” she said. 

Faculty member Jenna Woodrow, who is also chair of the TRU Faculty Association equity committee, said the complainants who came forward should be celebrated for their efforts to make TRU a better workplace for all. 

“Their bravery, their resourcefulness came through,” she said.

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