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What to expect as Trudeau meets Biden, L├│pez Obrador this week


The North American Leaders’ Summit has grown larger and more formal since the original┬а“Three Amigos” get-together then-U.S. president George W. Bush hosted in Texas in 2005.

As President Andr├йs Manuel L├│pez Obrador hosts U.S. President Joe Biden┬аand Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on┬аhome turf┬аin Mexico City this week, the global threats these regional partners must confront have also grown.

NALS┬а(rhymes with “gals”)┬атАФ the acronym┬аdiplomats and stakeholders use for this sometimes irregular but now revived and recurring meeting of regional allies┬атАФ┬аnow feels more businesslike than chummy. That’s partly driven by the politics of the personalities at the table, but also because current challenges┬аseem to require it.

“I wouldn’t use Three Amigos anymore,” said┬аCarlo Dade, the director of the trade and investment centre at the Canada West Foundation, who also specializes in┬аLatin American policy┬аand holds a membership in┬аthe Mexican Council on Foreign Relations. “I think it’s a subtle indication of a shift… a bit more formal, a bit more staid.

“You always had a sort of closeness to the relationship that was thrown off when [Donald] Trump came in,” Dade said, referencing how the former U.S. president┬аshunned this summit┬аand frequently blamed Mexico for America’s┬аproblems.

While Trump has been replaced by Biden, protectionist policies have stuck around in Washington. L├│pez Obrador┬аwas swept into office in 2018 on his own┬аwave of nationalism, and now needs to cement his legacy as the back half of his six-year term plays out.

“He’s a Trumpian sort of populist,” Dade said.┬а

Domestic politics vs. global challenges

Even under warm Mexican skies, this January gathering of neighbours and business partners doesn’t feel┬аas┬аsunny as it used to be.

But if it’s cooler and more calculated, is that a problem┬атАФ particularly for Canada and its heavily integrated economy?

“It’s not about [warmth], it’s about seriousness,” said Amy Porges, a Washington-based trade lawyer who has watched trade files evolve over the decades since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was implemented.

“Canada has always taken the United States more seriously than the U.S. takes Canada… [and] for┬аL├│pez Obrador, domestic politics is everything.”

Porges┬аsaid the┬аpopulist┬аMexican president wants to reverse decisions made by his predecessors that integrate Mexico with the U.S. economy. Meanwhile, the U.S. needs Mexican┬аco-operation on supply chains.

“The competition with China is the No. 1 issue for the Biden administration at this point,” she said.

U.S. President Joe Biden is greeted by Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador upon his arrival at Felipe Angeles International Airport in Zumpango, Mexico, on Jan. 8, 2023. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

In a briefing at the Wilson Center┬аin Washington, D.C., on Friday, Brian Nichols, the U.S. assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs, suggested the Americans would soon┬аannounce more details as┬аits Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity evolves.

That┬аmultilateral┬аdialogue┬аwith 13┬аtrading partners┬аdidn’t тАФ at least at first тАФ┬аinclude Canada or Mexico, causing some to wonder why North American trading partners were left out of the┬аconversations about regulatory harmonization and more integrated supply chains.

Dade┬аthinks the Americans may be reconsidering.

“They need wins. They need to keep the momentum going. Canada is there, like the little kid in junior high school who wants to sit at the cool kids’ lunch table finally being allowed in. And Mexico was also miffed that they weren’t included,” he said.

On the other hand, Canada and Mexico would like to keep the┬аprivileged┬аU.S. market access they enjoy to themselves. Neither Canada nor Mexico is┬аkeen on the request last month from Costa Rica to pursue membership in the North American trade agreement.

“The Three Amigos club suddenly becomes three amigos again when you talk about letting the Ticos [Costa Ricans]┬аor others into NAFTA,” he said.┬а

Trudeau’s challenge: getting┬аattention?

Louise Blais, a former Canadian diplomat who now works with the Business Council of Canada, noted during a separate┬аmedia┬аbriefing on Friday that Biden’s summit appearance is┬аslotted between his┬аfirst visit to the Mexican border this weekend, to amplify his administration’s latest push┬аto manage migration, and key talks in Washington on Wednesday with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, as┬аU.S.-Indo-Pacific (read: China) priorities evolve.┬а

“The goal for Canada is probably to carve out some attention and space at this summit,” Blais┬аsaid. Among Canada’s priorities, Blais said she was “hopeful” about the resolution of┬аongoing energy disputes with Mexico.

In Friday’s┬аWhite House briefing previewing summit priorities, Mexico came up┬аfar more often than Canada.

John Kirby, the National Security Council co-ordinator for strategic communications, was asked whether Mexico’s recent discrimination┬аagainst foreign investors in its energy sector could be escalated or resolved in this week’s talks. He said he didn’t want to get ahead of Biden, but┬а“clearly trade issues will be on the agenda.”

Andr├йs Manuel L├│pez Obrador greets crowds in Mexico City
Mexican President Andr├йs Manuel L├│pez Obrador greets supporters during a march to support his administration, in Mexico City, on Nov. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

In an interview with Reuters on Friday, Trudeau said he “absolutely” hoped to make progress toward┬аresolving this┬аenergy issue. While nationalizing Mexico’s energy┬аgrid remains┬аa priority┬аfor L├│pez Obrador,┬аthe country may need foreign capital, particularly to shift to cleaner technologies and meet some of the Mexican administration’s climate objectives.

If┬аthe Mexican president doesn’t relent, Canada could join the U.S. in requesting a panel investigation under the┬аdispute resolution process of the revised NAFTA, known┬аin Canada as CUSMA.

That would add another file to a pile that already includes┬а17 other disputes initiated over┬аthe last two years┬аbetween the three partners, as the revised agreement covers thornier┬аground excluded from the original NAFTA, like dairy trade and labour rights.

In other respects, the┬аtrilateral talks may not amount to┬аmuch of a trade summit, despite economic integration┬аbeing an obvious shared interest. The list of participants doesn’t include Biden’s trade representative, although Canada and Mexico’s trade ministers will be there, along with the foreign ministers of all three countries, who are holding their own talks.

The list of summit priorities released by the Mexican foreign office talks about “diversity, equity and inclusion, the environment, competitiveness with the rest of the world, migration and development, health and shared security.”

Dade believes the┬а“equity and inclusion” agenda will include creating opportunities for┬аIndigenous people.

“That’s a fraught issue in each country, for different reasons: different histories, different approaches. But each government has had a new commitment to seriously address these issues,” he said.

Autos report held back

One sign that the leaders may not want to talk much about trade disputes:┬аa much-anticipated report by┬аa panel┬аon how North American content is calculated in the automotive sector was not┬аreleased in advance of the summit, despite all three countries having had it since Dec. 28.

In some loose talk reported last month, Mexican officials revealed that the U.S. argument in favour of a more stringent definition had failed to persuade the panel. But its exact reasoning is not yet public, offering┬аthe leaders an easy way to dodge┬аany questions┬аabout it this week.

“With a summit like this, what you want is harmony┬аand good feelings… you want friendly photos of the leaders shaking hands. You don’t necessarily want conflict,” trade lawyer Porges said.

Automotive companies in all three countries will be pleased by this panel report, because they want┬аgreater flexibility for their supply chains as they compete globally, she said.

In other words: what may appear to be a political loss for the Biden administration could help keep costs down in┬аthe sector overall, and that’s a win for consumers.

Canada and Mexico find common ground when┬аtrying to constrain American protectionism in the automotive industry.┬аBoth would rather partner than compete with the U.S. Treasury as it offers┬аsubsidies and rebates┬аfor cleaner technologies.┬а

But┬аDade isn’t sure Canada’s interests fully align with Mexico’s тАФ both countries┬аare also competing┬аfor new investment in electric vehicles and critical minerals, for example.

“Do we have solidarity?” asked Dade rhetorically.┬а“And if you’re Trudeau, can you trust┬а[L├│pez Obrador]?”

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