In Karnataka, Mysuru MP Pratap Simha on Friday said that auto rickshaws and two wheelers will not be allowed on the Bengaluru-Mysuru expressway, adding that the vehicle drivers will have to use the service road which is parallel to the expressway. Speaking to reporters, Pratap Simha stressed, “Two wheelers and three wheelers will not be allowed on the latest expressway. Bengaluru – Mysuru expressway is one of the unique expressways in the country and it is exclusively for four wheelers and heavy vehicles.”
However, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP clarified that bikes and autos will be allowed until the service road comes into operation. “Bikes and auto rickshaws will be allowed for a brief period of time but they cannot be given access to the expressway once the service road gets ready. I hope the commuters understand and cooperate with the government,” Simha added.
Also Read| Bengaluru-Chennai Expressway will be ready by March next year: Nitin Gadkari
Earlier, Simha also urged union transport minister Nitin Gadkari to name the expressway as ‘Cauvery Expressway’ as the river Cauvery passes through Karnataka.
Meanwhile, Gadkari inspected the expressway on Thursday and announced that it will be open for commuters in February. The 10-lane project is 117 km long, divided into two carriages – one is Bengaluru to Nidagatta and Nidagatta to Mysore.
Nitin Gadkari on Thursday tweeted, “Minimising the congestion in Bengaluru by driving the crowd to a comparatively cheaper cost-of-living city, the project will extend paths for new investments through industries, real estate, and educational institutions in Mysuru.” He also said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi or President Droupadi Murmu will inaugurate the expressway, depending on their schedule.