The Jharkhand police on Sunday detained a man after 12 body parts of his wife were recovered near an Anagwadi Centre in Momintola under Borio police station in Sahibganj district, officials said.
Sahibganj superintendent of police (SP) Anuranjan Kispotta said the man, Diladar Ansari, 25, has been detained and the victim has been identified as his wife, Rabika Pahadin, 22, belonging to a primitive tribe.
According to the sources, Rabika was his second wife.
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“Police was probing the case after a missing complaint was lodged by Dildar’s family members two days ago. While around a dozen body parts were recovered on Saturday late evening, a few others, including her head is still missing. Dildar meanwhile has identified the body. We have taken him under detention and is being questioned,” said Kispotta.
Even as the police were looking for the missing woman, locals informed the police about dogs eating body parts which appeared to be similar to those of humans in Momintola, an officials said.
According to the police, “As they began a search operation in the area after dusk, they tumbled upon 12 human body parts.”
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While the couple lived in Belatola locality in Borio with family, Rabika’s body parts were recovered from adjoining Momintola, police said.
The SP said while dog squads and probe teams are trying to recover the missing parts of the body, the recovered pieces have been kept at the local community health centre for DNA sampling.