Police in Karnataka have vowed to act against a man seen removing a green flag and raising a saffron one on top of a house in Srirangapatna. A video that has been widely shared online shows the man – also wearing saffron clothes swapping the flags. Reports indicate the man was a participant in the Sankeerthana Yatra, which is a rally of devotees of Hanuman.
The southern state’s Additional Director-General of Police Alok Kumar said: “Action being initiated against law breakers in Srirangapatna case… law of the land applicable to everyone trying to disrupt peace and harmony.”
The top cop also said action is being taken in an unrelated case about graffiti sprayed on walls of a town in Shivamogga district, where ‘join CFI’ slogans were found at nine places.
Local police have registered a case and are looking for those responsible. The CFI is the student wing of the PFI (Popular Front of India), which was banned by the central government in September after nationwide raids uncovered links to terror activities.
Chief minister Basavaraj Bommai condemned that incident and called for stern action against the accused.