New Delhi, December 4: Bharat Jodo Yatra of Congress will reach Srinagar around January 26, said party leader Jairam Ramesh on Sunday. Speaking at a press conference, Jairam Ramesh said, “On December 24, Bharat Jodo Yatra will reach Delhi and around January 26, the Yatra will reach Sringar. Rahul Gandhi will be there and we will hoist the national flag.”
While Congress MP KC Venugopal on Sunday said that it is not practical for former party president Rahul Gandhi to attend the winter session of Parliament as Bharat Jodo Yatra is underway. Rahul Gandhi Rides Motorbike During Bharat Jodo Yatra in Madhya Pradesh’s Mhow (Watch Video).
The Winter Session will begin on December 7 and will last until December 29. The session also had to be delayed by a month due to the Gujarat election schedule. Bharat Jodo Yatra in Madhya Pradesh: Rahul Gandhi Seen Helping Wheelchair-Bound Man in Indore.
“Bharat Jodo Yatra is underway. It is not practical for Rahul Gandhi to attend the winter session of Parliament,” Venugopal said at a press conference here.
“Today in the meeting of the Congress Steering Committee, we discussed two things. First is the plenary session of our party which we have decided to hold in the second half of February. It will be a 3-day session which will be held in Raipur, Chhattisgarh,” he said.
“Second, we reviewed and discussed the future course of action for Bharat Jodo Yatra. We have decided to hold a massive campaign ‘Hath se Hath Jodo Abhiyan’ from January 26 onwards. It will be a two-month-long campaign,” Venugopal said.
He added, as per this campaign, block-level yatras to cover all gram panchayats and booths and party will hand over a letter from Rahul Gandhi about the core message of this yatra. There will be village sabhas and flag hoisting during this block level yatra.
The Steering Committee of the Indian National Congress met today at 10 am at 24 Akbar Road, New Delhi, with Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge presiding.
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