Bollywood star Akshay Kumar, who is attending Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea International Film Festival, has revealed details about two of his major upcoming projects. Talking to Deadline, an online news website, at the festival, Akshay discussed the projects while keeping major details under Akshaywraps. Speaking about his long-awaited series with Amazon, which will be his first foray into the OTT arena, he told Deadline that its script was finished and that the title, formally announced as The End, would change, with plans to commence shooting next year. Akshay Kumar Saying ‘Sun Toh Lo’ to a Distracted Panellist Will Leave You in Splits; Watch Viral Video From Red Sea International Film Festival.
The actor said, “It’s more on the science fiction” side of things with “a lot of action in it, I can say that.” Further, Akshay, who has done social films like Toilet: Ek Prem Katha and Pad Man, spoke about his other project and revealed that it’s a film on sex education, a topic he feels is important to talk about. “I like doing social films which can make a difference, especially in my country and in anybody’s life.”
“I just pick up those topics and I make a film, but I make it in a very commercial way where obviously there are songs, there’s comedy, there’s drama, there’s tragedy. So, I take real stories and adapt it and cover it up with all the commercial things,” said Akshay, reported Deadline. Red Sea International Film Festival aims to become the top fest and market in the region and a key driver in the kingdom’s ongoing effort to build a film and TV industry practically from scratch after lifting its 35-year-old religion-related ban on cinema in 2017. Akshay Kumar at Red Sea IFF22: Actor Laughs Uncontrollably as a Fan Recreates His Iconic Pose From Phir Hera Pheri in Jeddah.
This year’s edition will conclude on December 10. Meanwhile, Akshay was recently seen in an action-adventure film Ram Setu alongside Jacqueline Fernandez which got decent responses at the box office. He will be next seen in an upcoming entertainer film Selfie along with Emraan Hashmi and Diana Penty and in Anand L Rai’s next Gorkha.