The heavy security arrangement by UP police was necessitated following тАЬrestrictionsтАЭ imposed by some of the upper castes men on Dalit wedding processions in Lohamai village of Gunnaur area. After the request from the brideтАЩs family, SP (Sambhal) Chakresh Mishra sent a huge force from nearby police stations to ensure a smooth wedding on Friday night. The cops also contributed Rs 11,000 as a тАЬwedding giftтАЭ to the couple. Incidentally, RavinaтАЩs uncle Rajendra Valmiki gave an application to Sambhal DM Manish Bansal on October 31 stating that тАЬsome upper caste men wonтАЩt allow Dalit community members to take out the wedding procession on November 25 with DJ and horse, and we need security for the guestsтАЭ. Appreciating the UP policeтАЩs support, the brideтАЩs mother, Urmila Valmiki, said, тАЬMy daughter is very happy…тАЭ
The heavy security arrangement by UP police was necessitated following тАЬrestrictionsтАЭ imposed by some of the upper castes men on Dalit wedding processions in Lohamai village of Gunnaur area. After the request from the brideтАЩs family, SP (Sambhal) Chakresh Mishra sent a huge force from nearby police stations to ensure a smooth wedding on Friday night. The cops also contributed Rs 11,000 as a тАЬwedding giftтАЭ to the couple. Incidentally, RavinaтАЩs uncle Rajendra Valmiki gave an application to Sambhal DM Manish Bansal on October 31 stating that тАЬsome upper caste men wonтАЩt allow Dalit community members to take out the wedding procession on November 25 with DJ and horse, and we need security for the guestsтАЭ. Appreciating the UP policeтАЩs support, the brideтАЩs mother, Urmila Valmiki, said, тАЬMy daughter is very happy…тАЭ