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Importance of social-emotional learning in child’s development


The first five years of a child’s life are utterly crucial as it marks their growth across four major areas of development- motor, communication and language, cognitive, and social and emotional. These developmental areas are very important in defining how a child is raised and assisting them in pursuing a better future. Especially if we talk about social and emotional development, it aids children in understanding who they are, expressing and managing their emotions and fostering positive relationships. It cannot be disputed that this particular region of development has an effect on the other areas as well. As a result, social-emotional learning is essential for youngsters since it paves the way for their growth into self-assured, accountable, and aware adults. (Also read: 7 social-emotional skills for teens that are essential in the digital world )

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Chetan Jaiswal, Founder and CEO, MyPeegu, shared five essential advantages of social-emotional learning for children.

1. Boosts academic performance: When social and emotional skills are more advanced, students perform better academically. In fact, the research supports the idea that social and emotional development directly correlates with academic success. The soft skills that kids learn through SEL learning alter their perspective on education, which enhances their performance in the classroom.

2. Enhances interactive skills: Students sometimes struggle to get along with their classmates. Here’s where SEL (social-emotional learning) comes into play, as it enables the children to develop better relationships with their peers, parents and teachers. As a result, it gives them the motivation they need to do well in school and accept the challenges that lie outside of the classroom and in the future.

3. Develop positive attitude: Children, especially in their early years, have a difficult time controlling their emotions. This is where SEL (social-emotional learning) education steps in. It helps children understand and manage their emotions as well as cultivate a positive outlook on life. In addition, it also allows youngsters to build a good rapport with their parents and teachers and inspires them to perform better at everything they do.

4. Aids in navigating adulthood: While improving children’s social and emotional skills is the primary goal of SEL (social-emotional learning) education; children carry these skills into adulthood, which helps them successfully deal with problems they may encounter in their adult relationships, friendships, or careers.

5. Greater potential for future success: SEL learning is the process of gaining the ability to manage emotions appropriately, set objectives, and make wise decisions. The student’s chances of success in the future are improved as a result. Additionally, SEL teaches vital life skills that enable children to develop into their distinct selves.

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