A letter written by Mehrauli murder victim Shraddha Walkar to the Vasai police two years ago has come to light, wherein she said that her boyfriend Aftab Poonawala had been physically abusing her over six months and threatened to kill her and chop her into pieces.
A Vasai police officer confirmed receiving the letter, but said that no action was taken as when they went to follow up with Shraddha, she said that Aftab’s parents had come and talked to him and that she had no more complaints.
The letter by Shraddha, dated November 23, 2020, and addressed to the police station at Evershine City, Vasai, East, read, “I, Miss Shraddha Vikas Walkar, age 25, would like to report Aftab Amin Poonawala, age 26, has been abusing me and has been beating me up. Today, he tried to kill me by suffocating me and he scares and blackmails me that he will kill me, cut me up in pieces and throw me away.”
“It’s been six months he has been hitting me, but I did not have the guts to go to the police because he would threaten to kill me. His parents are aware that he beats me and that he tried to kill me. They also know about us living together in [Vasai] east and they visit on weekends. I lived with him till date as we were supposed to get married soon and have the blessings of his family.
“Henceforth, I am not willing to live with him, so any kind of physical damage should be considered coming from him as he has been blackmailing to kill me or hurt me whenever he sees me anywhere,” Shraddha wrote.
Meanwhile, sources said that Delhi Police has taken cognisance of Walkar’s letter written to Mumbai Police in 2020 and that they will initiate an inquiry into it and question Aftab.
Aftab is accused of strangulating Shraddha on May 18, chopping her body into multiple pieces and dumping them in the Chhatarpur forest area over three months.
On Tuesday, Aftab told a Delhi court he murdered her in the “heat of the moment”.