Cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar and Bollywood star Ayushmann Khurrana on Friday participated in a friendly futsal match ahead of World Children’s Day on November 20. Hundreds of children gathered for the event, organised by UNICEF India at South Delhi’s Thyagaraj Indoor Stadium where they also performed a choreographed dance with leaders and celebrities on their side. Indian Idol 13: Puranchand Wadali’s Versatile Grandson Navdeep Wadali Dazzles Ayushmann Khurrana.
Tendulkar, who is UNICEF Regional Goodwill Ambassador, and Khurrana, UNICEF’s celebrity advocate for child rights, played the futsal match with a team of 20 children. The former cricketer said he believes sports liberate people from many shackles and helps them become better human beings. “It plays a more important role for girls and women as it equips them with more power and confidence to make their mark. Today’s game showed this. UNICEF’s efforts to link play and child rights are commendable. An Action Hero Song Jehda Nasha: Ayushmann Khurrana and Nora Fatehi’s Crackling Chemistry Is the Highlight of This Dance Number (Watch Video).
The game is yours as long as you have the passion in your heart,” Tendulkar said. Khurrana said team sports helps people in realising their determination, passion, and enthusiasm. “This is what we are here to celebrate. Let’s empower girls and boys to promote equality and inclusion for all children. UNICEF, thank you for organising this event on a theme I care about,” he added.
At the event, Grammy-winning artist Ricky Kej along with musicians from across the country performed a specially crafted audio-visual experience dedicated to children. A creative art presentation by 100 school children, highlighting stories of inclusion and non-discrimination, was showcased in the form of a dance performance. “World Children’s Day is a time for all of us to renew our collective promises for every child, especially for girls, to be included and protected and reach their full potential, unhindered by gender stereotypes, inequalities, and other barriers.
When it comes to #ChildRights, there can be only one team,” said Cynthia McCaffrey, UNICEF Representative to India. “UNICEF India is privileged to support this cross sectoral movement in India, a country that has made remarkable strides on improving outcomes for its youngest stakeholders and sees children as force multipliers for generational transformations,” she added.
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