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donald trump 2024


Biden’s Twitter account tweeted a video just after the announcement, titled simply, “Donald Trump failed America”.

The minute-long video claims Trump rigged the economy for the rich and created the worst jobs record since the depression, saying he was the only president to leave office with fewer jobs than when he entered.
President Joe Biden makes a statement after a meeting of G7 and NATO leaders in Bali, Indonesia.
President Joe Biden is in Bali for the G20 Summit. (AP)
Biden tweeted a video just after the announcement, titled simply, "Donald Trump failed America".
Biden tweeted a video just after the announcement, titled simply, “Donald Trump failed America”. (Twitter)

The video says Trump “attacked” health care by overturning the Affordable Care Act, saying it would leave 23 million in the US without health coverage.

It also accuses him of “coddling extremists” – alongside shots of the Charlottesville rally by white supremacists – and “attacking women’s rights” over abortion.

The video says Trump “incited a violent mob” and shows scenes of the January 6 insurrection, where Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol in protest of his election defeat.

In his announcement at his Florida resort Mar-a-Lago, Trump vowed to unite the country before criticising the current president.

“Joe Biden is the face of left-wing failure and Washington corruption,” he said.

Donald Trump’s last moments as president

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