24 x 7 World News

Amber setting issued for Queensland, new restrictions in place including masks on public transport

Queensland is facing a new wave of COVID-19, and the state’s traffic light system will reflect that from tomorrow, switching from “green” to “amber”.

Premier Annastacia Palasczuk said the decision was made on the advice of the Chief Health Officer.

Here’s what you need to know.

Are restrictions coming back?

Not yet – at least, not officially. The state government’s traffic light system is about advice and recommendations, not mandates.

However, should things become more serious, the government can – as it did in earlier stages of the pandemic – choose to bring back rules for masks, isolation, and vaccines.

That isn’t currently the case though.

The short answer is – you should do what’s recommended, but you don’t risk breaking the law either way.

Face masks will be recommended on public transport from tomorrow. (Getty)

So what are the Amber recommendations?

The Amber setting means there are “moderate rates of community transmission” and Queensland is “coming off a wave or may be entering a new wave” according to the government’s website.

The health advice is to wear a mask in the following situations:

  • in healthcare settings
  • indoors, if you can’t socially distance
  • on public transport
  • if you are older or medically at risk
  • if you’re around people who are vulnerable to COVID-19, such as in hospitals or at the GP

People are also advised to take a rapid antigen test every two days if somebody in their household has COVID-19.

Additionally, people should follow the Green tier advice – the setting Queensland is currently in.

Green level advice is more about general health advice – staying home if you’re sick, testing for COVID-19 if you have symptoms, and follow mask advice for individual settings.

Can I still go into the office?

At this stage, there are no recommendations about working from home, and they wouldn’t be enforceable if there were.

But individual workplaces may make their own decisions about how to proceed.

Is there a new variant?

Kelly has said the variants are more transmissible than previous strains of the virus, but not more severe.

“But we will see more transmission,” he said. “We will see infection.”

Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly is warning people COVID-19 numbers are expected to rise. (Nine)

Will there be another round of vaccines?

A potential fifth jab has been mooted in some quarters, but it’s not yet been advised here.

Kelly did urge people eligible for their fourth booster to make sure they were up to date.

The subvariants and mutations of COVID-19

Red is the final tier of Queensland’s warning system.

It means there are high rates of community transmission and Queensland is entering or already in a COVID-19 wave.

When the state is Red, people should follow all of the advice for the Amber and Green traffic lights and wear a mask indoors, even if they can socially distance.

It’s also more likely some enforced rules will be considered at this stage.

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