Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan recently attended a sporting event where his youngest son AbRam won the Taekwondo championship. SRK was seen hugging and kissing AbRam. The superstar honoured the young one by joining him at the dais. In the pictures shared by SRK’s fan club on social media, the Main Hoon Na actor can be seen putting a gold medal around AbRam’s neck and showering love on him. Shah Rukh Khan Felicitates and Hugs Son AbRam At Latter’s Taekwondo Competition.
Another picture shows AbRam giving a peck on SRK’s cheeks. SRK’s wife Gauri, their elder son Aryan and daughter Suhana also joined him and AbRam. The tournament, which was held in Mumbai, was a star-studded affair as Kareena Kapoor Khan, Saif Ali Khan and Karisma Kapoor were also at the event to support their respective kids.
On the work front, SRK has three big films in the pipeline, Pathaan with Deepika Padukone and John Abraham, Jawan with Nayanthara and the Rajkumar Hirani directorial Dunki in which he will share the screen with Taapsee Pannu. Watch Taimur Ali Khan Delivers ‘Kicks’ at His Taekwondo Match; Little Tot Gets Medal and Kiss From Shah Rukh Khan.
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Oct 18, 2022 12:47 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website