24 x 7 World News

Ways by which healthy relationships help us to grow


A relationship is much like that of a hero’s story – full of challenges, valour and good times, and a bit of hard times as well. How we grow through it all denotes the journey and the outcome. A healthy relationship helps in our personal growth as well. As we learn to navigate through life and relationships, we take down lessons from life for the relationship and vice versa. Addressing the same, therapist Elizabeth Earnshaw wrote, “Being in a solid relationship with another person can offer major opportunities for personal and relational growth. Growing together and supporting each other through that growth can develop a sort of spiritual intimacy and closeness with another person.”

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Elizabeth further noted down the journey of a relationship in parts which teach us things that we need to grow up with, in life:

Challenges: Relationships and life in general are laden with challenges. While some are personal, some are related to each other in the relationship. When we learn to navigate through them and extract lessons out of them, we learn to grow up.

Resistance: This can vary from people to people. While some resistance comes in the form of challenges, some are hurdles that are swept under the rug, never to be talked about. But when we learn to get over resistance with healthy positive force, it impacts the relationship in a good way.

Help: Asking for help is allowed – both in relationship and life. When we are unable to find a way on our own, we should seek help to bring in meaningful change, beneficial for all of us.

Crossing: Blending into a different version of ourselves, be it individually or together, is a healthy way of bringing in growth, and reflecting on the journey we have had.

Freedom: The ultimate joy of growing up is to know that we are free to live the life we want. Healthy relationship offers the freedom and the openness to seek our own growth, whichever way we want.

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