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‘Permanently startled’ cat with wonky legs licked back to health by family pet – World News


Despite always looking startled, adorable cat Fedya is on the mend after a rather hard start in life.

The sickly stray kitten was saved by a neighbour’s moggie who licked him back to life.

The adorable cat is taking the internet by storm thanks to its permanently-startled expression.

Natalia Zhdanova, 40, found weak and sickly stray Fedya in her backyard when he was just a few days old – his back legs were wonky and his eyes were misaligned.

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Fedya the stray moggie is a cutie
Fedya the stray moggie is a cutie

She nursed the orphaned kitten to health and her neighbour’s cat, named Handsome, would come over every day to nurture him.

Natalia said: “He was very weak and was dying.

“Handsome cleaned and licked Fedya and became like a father figure to him.”

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Fedya was nurtured by cat called Handsome
Fedya was nurtured by cat called Handsome

Gradually Fedya gained strength and began to grow, but the reason for his unusual appearance is still unclear.

Natalia, who makes educational books for children in Rostov, Russia, added: “We’re not sure if it’s a genetic deformity or if he was dropped by his mum as a kitten.

“Now he is much healthier.

Fedya has a unique look
Fedya has a unique look

He is an adorable kitten
He is an adorable kitten

“He is a very sweet, gentle, playful and intelligent cat.

“He purrs very loudly.”

Fedya, who was found when he was just one week old, is now a healthy adult at one year and nine months.

He is a playful cat
He is a playful cat

“He is inseparable with Handsome,” said Natalia.

“They are the best of friends.”

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