24 x 7 World News

Tesla reportedly tracks workers’ office attendance, says Business Insider


Tesla Inc. has begun tracking how often its employees show up at the office after CEO Elon Musk said he was no longer allowing widespread remote work.

Business Insider reported last week that the automaker was sending emails to employees who had not regularly used their badge to enter a Tesla facility.

“This is an automated notification,” read one email, which Business Insider confirmed as authentic. “You are receiving this email because there is no record of you using your badge to enter a Tesla facility on at least 16 days over the 30-day period ending on June 28. As a reminder, all employees are expected to be back in the office, fulltime. We realize that there are various reasons why you may not have badged in, including illness, vacation or traveling for business. Whatever the case, please clear the reason for you absence with your manager by email.”

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