Sahdev Dirdo, a 10-year-old boy who shot to fame after a video of him singing ‘Bachpan ka Pyaar’ song went viral on the Internet, was on Tuesday injured when the motorcycle on which he was riding pillion skidded on the road in Chhattisgarh’s Sukma district, police said. The accident took place at around 6:30 pm in Shabri Nagar area here and Dirdo, who was not wearing a helmet, fell and suffered a grievous head injury, while the rider sustained minor bruises, said Sukma Superintendent of Police Sunil Sharma. Sahdev Dirdo is Being Shifted to Medical College in Jagdalpur for Better.
The boy was rushed to the district hospital and after preliminary treatment was shifted to Jagdalpur Medical College hospital, Sharma added. On being alerted about the accident, Sukma Collector Vineet Nandanwar and Sharma visited the district hospital and enquired about his condition. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel instructed Nandanwar to provide best medical aid at the earliest to Dirdo, an official statement said. ‘Bachpan Ka Pyaar’ Fame Sahdev Dirdo Meets With Accident, Undergoing Treatment At Medical College in Jagdalpur.
Dirdo, a native of tribal-dominated and Naxal-hit Sukma district, became an Internet sensation in the middle of this year after a video of him singing ‘Bachpan ka Pyaar’ in school uniform went viral. The video was reportedly shot in 2019 inside his classroom by his school teacher. He also featured along with rapper Badshah in a new version of the song, a video if which was released in August.
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