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Women with Gynecologic Cancer, Low Income Report Increased Anxiety During COVID-19 Pandemic: Study


Washington, April 26: A recent study provides insights on the COVID-19 pandemic’s effects on employment, anxiety and financial distress among women who have gynecologic cancer and low income. The findings are published early online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society.

For the study, Y. Stefanie Chen, MD of Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City, and her colleagues conducted telephone interviews with 100 women with gynecologic cancer living in New York City who were covered by Medicaid health insurance. Wound Healing, Infection Can Be Determined by Genetics, Says Study.

Among the Major Findings:

1. 31 per cent of patients reported being employed prior to the pandemic, and 21 per cent had a change in employment status due to the pandemic.

2. 50 per cent of patients reported that they felt more financial stress since the start of the pandemic, and 54 per cent reported that they worry about future financial problems due to the pandemic.

3. 49 per cent of patients expressed increased anxiety about cancer since the start of the pandemic, and 83 per cent expressed feeling increased anxiety in general.

Having an income of less than USD 40,000 per year was the most common factor associated with increased financial distress, cancer worry, and anxiety. Early-stage cancer (stage I-II) was also a risk factor for increased financial distress.

“Patients with cancer are already financially vulnerable as many face changes in employment status when they undergo treatment, and also because cancer treatments can become costly as they accrue over time,” said Dr Chen.

“Patients with low income may struggle to prioritize cancer care and treatments over other costs of daily living, especially when they face changes in employment not only due to their cancer diagnosis but also due to the changes in the job market caused by the pandemic,” she added. COVID-19 Care at Home: From How to Use Oxygen Cylinder to What Is Proning, All FAQs for Self-Care Coronavirus Patients Answered.

Dr Chen supports increased screening for anxiety and financial stress in these patients. “Understanding the complexity of finances, mental health, and cancer treatments in this population is crucial to the development of interventions and navigation strategies to ensure timely care and to promote survivorship among patients with all stages of cancer,” she said.

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