24 x 7 World News

Iowa farmers sceptical about climate change


The Biden administration this week led an international forum to encourage more ambitious climate reduction targets but he’s fighting his own battle on the home front to meet his goal of a 50 per cent reduction by 2030.

Two-thirds of Iowa farmers are sceptical about man-made climate change, like Charlie Peters.

“For us to say, you know, as a human being I can control this or I understand what’s going on – it’s I think beyond most all of us,” the Iowa cattle farmer told Sky News.

“I keep hearing gloom, doom, you know, we’re not going to survive this, everything’s going to be bad.”

Mr Peters remains unsure about some of the Biden administration’s boldest plans to tackle climate change.

The Biden administration wants to tie $US30 billion in farm aid to practices that are sustainable, but Iowa farmers are concerned the money could be hijacked by middlemen.

“I’ll just give an example, we’ve talked a lot about my involvement in our local school,” Mr Peters said.

“Now they have a program that is funding for non-public schools, that they can receive some COVID funding, but it’s administered by a third party.

“So whatever funding that school receives, let’s say for example it’s $200,000, the third party that oversees that receives 30 per cent.”

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