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9-year-old Bengaluru boy wins World Youth Scrabble Tournament | Bengaluru


A nine-year-old Bengaluru boy, Samarth Manchali, has been declared the best under-10 player in World Youth Scrabble Tournament – 2022. The Scrabble Association of India announced that two other players from India made it into the top 10 players list of the global virtual tournament.

The scrabble association tweeted, “Two players from India – Madhav Gopal Kamath and Pramit Rao – finished in the top 10 of the 2022 virtual @WorldScrabble Youth Cup organised by @pakscrabble, while Samarth Manchali emerged as the under-10 champion. Congrats to India’s young word whizzes!”

Samarth is a resident of Bengaluru’s Vidyaranyapura and he is a student of MES Kishorekendra school. The nine-year-old was trained by his mother Subha Shivashankar who was also a professional scrabble player. Samarth’s elder brother Suyash is also a scrabble player and has represented India in the World Youth Scrabble Championship five times so far.

Scrabble is a crossword game where the tiles with letters are placed on a board. The tiles are supposed to form English words that can be read from left to right in rows or downward in columns. The game is slowly gaining popularity among school kids in metro cities.

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