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6 ways to help your child strengthen their concentration


Many parents are often worried due to their kid’s low concentration levels. It’s important to understand that similar to a muscle, concentration needs to be exercised regularly to grow stronger. Children can pick up techniques and take part in activities that enhance their capacity for sustained attention and focus. Most kids can focus on entertaining things that they will ultimately appreciate. The tasks that are more tedious, challenging, or simply less appealing test their ability to concentrate. However, this capacity for sustained attention and concentration is critical as it enables children to learn and grow, which fosters self-assurance and a healthy sense of self-worth. (Also read: Tips for parents to make studying fun for children )

“Our ability to concentrate differs with age. The average 2-year-old is able to focus on a single task for about 4-6 minutes. ⁣⁣The average 6-year-old for 10-12 minutes and a 12-year-old for 25-35 minutes. ⁣⁣If your child is on the lesser end of these averages, don’t stress. Knowing is the first step. Please note that executive function disorders can affect our child’s ability to concentrate.⁣⁣ Some practical ways and activities can help in increasing your child’s concentration level,” says, Sidu Arroyo, Family Psychotherapist, in her Instagram post. She further suggested six ways to help your child strengthen their concentration.

1. Give clear and simple instructions

As adults, we like to talk a lot, but children work best when they have very simple and clear instructions. ⁣⁣When we ask our child to clean their room, it can feel like a daunting task so try breaking up the tasks. Notice and validate their efforts and then give another couple of instructions. ⁣⁣

2. One activity at a time

Society tells us that we need more and that our child needs more. We need to be in the PTA, coach our child’s soccer team, work full-time, and care for our family. You don’t need to do it all nor does your child. Ask yourself and your child what brings them joy and choose 1-2 activities. ⁣⁣You can help your child by establishing a simple daily routine instead of a hectic schedule with a lot of activities. Organize their playrooms and rotate toys so they can concentrate on a single play instead of getting distracted by a lot of toys. Limit your child’s engagements and extracurricular activities.

3. Practice being rather than doing

⁣⁣Plan for unstructured playtime. Allow your child to wander on walks and stare at the trees or the ladybug for as long as they want.⁣⁣ Limit interrupting your child when they are engaged in an activity. Encourage your child to practice mindful breathing.

4. Take breaks

Taking breaks helps children to unwind and relax. All day long, kids hear adults telling them how to behave. Breaks allow them time to think, reflect and focus on their interests.

5. Limit screen time⁣⁣

Make sure your child is not glued to digital screens all day as it affects their ability to concentrate. Slowly decrease time and encourage other activities. Make sure you have a screen-free bedroom for your child.

6. Know their style of learning

If your child is at a brick-and-mortar school then advocate for their style of learning. If your child is learning at home, provide opportunities for them to learn in the style that works best for them. There are mainly four types of learners, its the responsibility of parents to recognise what kind of learners their kids are: ⁣⁣

  • Auditory: benefits from hearing content
  • Visual: benefits from seeing content
  • Kinesthetic: benefit from using movement to understand the content
  • Tactile: benefit from being able to manipulate the content

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