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5 ways being a good listener can improve your relationships


A majority of people do not listen when others are speaking. Even when we are not interrupting the speaker, we are busy thinking what to say next or sometimes simply get lost in our thoughts. There are very few people who listen intently. No wonder good listeners are trusted more than those who seem uninterested or bored. They are also the best people to offer advice as they are patient enough to have a complete understanding of your problem. Good listeners are also more respected as they value your time and what you are telling them. One can work towards being a good listener as it has many benefits even for the relationships in our life. (Also read: 10 signs your partner is feeling insecure and what you can do about it)

“When you are a good listener, you are able to understand the speaker’s message, as well as their feelings and needs. This understanding forms the basis for successful communication, whether you are trying to solve a problem or build a relationship. Good listeners also tend to be more patient and open-minded, which makes them better able to handle difficult conversations. In addition, being a good listener can help you to build trust and rapport with others. When people feel like they are being listened to, they are more likely to trust and respect you. So next time you find yourself in a conversation, take the time to really listen – it could make all the difference,” says Dr Chandni Tugnait is M.D. (Alternative Medicines), Psychotherapist, Life Coach, Business Coach, NLP Expert, Healer, Founder & Director – Gateway of Healing.

On National Day of Listening (November 25), Dr Tugnait also shares with us 5 benefits of being a good listener:

1. Fewer misunderstandings

When you are a good listener, you are less likely to misunderstand someone. This is because you are taking the time to hear what they are saying and to understand their point of view. Misunderstandings can often lead to conflict, so by avoiding them, you can help to keep the peace.

2. Greater clarity

When you listen carefully, you will often find that things become clearer to you. This is because you are able to pick up on all of the details that are being shared with you. If you have trouble understanding something, listening carefully can often help to clear things up.

3. More respect

When you listen well, people will often respect you more. This is because they can see that you value their opinions and that you are interested in hearing what they have to say. Respect is an important part of any relationship, so if you want to build strong relationships, being a good listener is essential.

4. Improved communication

Good listening skills can also improve communication in a relationship. This is because when both parties are listened to, they feel heard and valued. As a result, they are more likely to open up and share their thoughts and feelings more freely. When communication is improved, it can lead to a deeper connection between two people.

5. Greater empathy

Listening carefully can also help you to develop greater empathy for others. This is because when you truly understand someone, it becomes easier to feel compassion for them. Empathy is an important quality to have in any relationship as it can help to create a stronger bond between two people.

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