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5 fun games to boost your child’s learning


Strong foundations established from infancy are essential for children’s success as learners. Game-based learning is one such type of experiential learning that can transform your child’s overall learning experience. Games are much more than means of entertainment. They serve as tools that fulfil a fundamental human desire to express imagination, curiosity, and creativity, which is important in a knowledge-driven world. They aid in the growth of linguistic social, and cognitive skills and help build the emotional quotient among children.

Educators these days emphasize the importance of introducing a wide range of play-based experiences for children’s learning and development rather than using structured lessons or formal teaching experiences. This not only makes learning enjoyable but also improves focus, helps children retain information, and develops a positive attitude towards learning. (Also read: Fun activities to do with kids when you’re feeling burnt out: Expert tips inside )

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr. Wilona Annunciation, MD, Consultant Psychiatrist and Founder, Catalyst, says, “Games also act as effective tools to teach children skills or subjects which they might not interest them in school or in a formal setup. The introduction of learning through games provides kids with an opportunity to experiment and develop new ideas. Children also benefit from playtime by maintaining their innate curiosity and by never losing the thrill of learning something new. Integrating fun and learning through games works well for children, as it is a holistic approach of learning where children also have fun and enjoy the process of learning.” She further suggested five games that you can encourage your child to play to boost their learning.

1. Monopoly Super E-Banking: Monopoly, the classic board game, is one of the first board games that introduced us to basic financial concepts and terms while having a great time with family and friends. Learning money management never seemed this fun and easy. The electronic version of the classic game, Monopoly Super E-Banking is a fun way to introduce children to digital ways of dealing with money and tech-based banking. Learning to take responsibility for the way they spend and save their money is a skill to last their lifetime.

2. Jenga: This game is a good option for enhancing hand-eye coordination and developing decision-making abilities. The purpose of this game is to teach kids the value of patience and how to manage stressful and tricky situations.

3. Game of Life: Board games like Game of Life are full of adventure and surprises. The game requires you to make important decisions about college, choosing a career, making some family decisions and more. This game’s twists and turns put players in circumstances where they must interact with others effectively, ask for help when required and empathize with them, which helps build emotional intelligence, social skills and decision-making skills.

4. Connect 4: The game requires children to plan their move to connect the four discs and be watchful of the opponent’s move, encouraging them to look for opportunities while teaching them to think logically. It also teaches children to strategize and be proactive while they are on the quest to link the four discs tactfully.

5. Hungry Hungry Hippos: This game excites children as it is fun and fast-paced. It’s a great way to enhance hand-eye coordination. The fast-paced nature of the game leads to great laugh moments while children learn how to be attentive, competitive and quick while having fun.

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