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4 steps to work the lunar magic | Astrology


The Moon is the mother, she represents our emotional fluidity and whether we acknowledge it or not, somewhere deep within we know that we are deeply connected to the lunar cycles. The way water reacts to the cycles is through ebbing and flowing and our emotional waters react similarly to this very cycle. We humans are stardust with approximately seventy percent water and the Lunar energy pulls on our emotional currents like it pulls the ocean tides. The ebb and flow of our psyche has been connected to the moon since time immemorial.

When we bring conscious awareness to the moon cycle, we begin to notice how it affects us and how it has always affected us as we analyse the moods and sequences of our lives and how it connects to the waxing and waning of the moon.

Every two weeks as we pause to introspect upon the new and the full moons, we instantly connect to something much greater than our egos. The lunar intuition connects us to Intelligent Design, so we may observe and admire it. For a moment there, we break free from distractions and disconnection and we truly feel connected. If you want to dig deep into this primordial lunar connection, then we need to align with the moon’s waxing and waning phases. The moon is the reservoir of emotional intelligence and strengthens our EQ!

4 steps to work the lunar magic

Maintain a lunar journal and observe your feelings and situations during a new moon and a full moon, also called Amavasya and Poornima. Jot down your thoughts, no matter how mangled they appear. Explore the painful thoughts without judgement and check in with yourself. What needs change?

On a new moon, write ten things you want to manifest. These things could be material, emotional, spiritual; you try to identify what needs to be expressed and write it down. Gaze over your list and put it away. As this practice deepens, you’ll find yourself creating more opportunities to fulfil those wishes you had made. This is instinctual.

On a full moon, release, purge and give thanks to the universe. Whatever is stagnant and toxic inside, release them all and let them be turned into fairy dust under the silvery hue of a full moon. Observe how majestic she looks in the heavens above! This lunar commitment will hone your intuitive nature and allow it to flourish.

Eat healthy organic and nourishing food, stay moisturised and hydrated and be sure to get tons of rest every full and new moon. If you keep your physical body healthy, then it’s more likely that you’ll get intuitive nudges from your gut. Place your hands over your lower abdomen and breathe deeply. Your gut is the space that transforms fear into awareness.

What do lunar phases represent?

The new moon is a clean slate; the beginning of the lunar cycle and as I mentioned before, let us consider this to be our starting point. What will happen in the upcoming weeks? Will we experience success or disaster? This is the time to sow seeds, so begin what you must during new moons.

When we gaze upon the dark face of a new moon, we must honour and acknowledge out intuition and our internal processes. This is a time for deep meditation, water rituals and sage ceremonies. A candle lit bath with aromatic essential oils and crystals seems perfect. Dancing is always therapeutic and so is a steady yoga practice. Writing can be used as a tool during this time to probe the psyche.

The full moon is luminescent, and this is the full expression of our intentions. The full moon sheds light on what was hidden. Full moons have been associated to chaos, disharmony, lunacy, stress, drama and what not! The light it shines may trigger our neuroses and we can react violently. If we are imbalanced, we feel fatigued and distressed and the lunar rays can amplify those negative emotions.

An attitude of gratitude is the best way to counter this stress and anxiety. If you’re feeling over-whelmed during a full moon, just breathe deeply and repeat, “I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you!” Breathwork, yoga and mantra practice is highly recommended to channelise this strong energetic pull. Release all the hatred; start by releasing all the tension in your body. Unclench those jaws and stop grinding the teeth. Take baby steps to achieve the peace you seek. And layer by layer your outdated toxic habits are shed.

Augur yourself to shape shifting moon; it is your anchor in the pale blue skies and slowly observe how your lunar-cycle intentions align into deeply meaningful sacred rituals. When you stare at La Luna in her fullness know that you are as meaningful and expansive as her and the dark moon reminds you of how deep you are, how sacred you are! Surrender your monkey brain to the moon as you will naturally gravitate to a deeply intuitive and aligned existence in tune with the macrocosm.

Lunar gazing practice

This practice can be done at any stage of the moon’s cycle. You will just need a place to sit or lay comfortably, and a pen or pencil and journal.

1. Gaze at the moon or visualize the moon before you.

2. Soften your whole body, breathing deeply and welcoming in a sense of release. Don’t hold tension in your body.

3. Set an intention to remove blockages and negative perceptions and perspectives from your mindset; what is outdated must be relinquished.

4. Aligning with your highest, most balanced self is the sure way to self-actualization and the Moon is your guide in this process. Greet her with enthusiasm.

5. Observe any shapes, sounds, inner impulses, symbols, or messages that may arise in this meditative state, but try not to label or judge them.

6. Smile and feel her blessing.

The article has been authored by Tina Mukerji, a soul guide working with Astrology, Tarot, Psychism, Yoga, Tantra, Breathwork and Mantras. She works to discover the inherent archetypes, by studying astrological charts.

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