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2023 Meghalaya elections: BJP interested only in staying in power through politics of manoeuvring, says Sachin Pilot | Meghalaya Election News


SHILLONG: Congress leader Sachin Pilot on Tuesday slammed Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for “indulging in political manoeuvring for staying in power” stating that he is confident that the people of Meghalaya can see through this and will use their wisdom to vote on February 27.
Addressing an election meeting in Shillong, Pilot said that Congress will form the government in Meghalaya this time with absolute majority as they have the people’s willingness and support and also the blessings of the voters.
“I am absolutely sure that our candidates, manifesto, the way the Congress party has campaigned…We may not have the resources to match the BJP for example, but we have the people’s willingness, support and blessings of our voters. So, I think we will do very well and the next government that will be formed will be a Congress government and in other states also we are doing very well,” said the Congress leader.
Hitting out at the BJP, Pilot asked what is the BJP offering except for empty promises for the future.
“BJP today stands exposed. What are they (BJP) offering except for empty promises for the future? When they were in power for eight years in Delhi and five years here what did they do? What happened to your partners that you were sharing power for five years and are suddenly accusing each other?” said Pilot.
The former Rajasthan deputy chief minister said that the BJP’s “double engine government” failed to deliver on their promises and price rise, and unemployment continue to be major issues in the state and the country.
He further asked what stopped the BJP and Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (MDA) government from addressing these issues and from establishing more industries, factories, and manufacturing hubs and creating jobs in the state of Meghalaya.
Pilot said that the state has seen enough of the game of open political manoeuvring.
“It shows that it’s a selfish power game. Who is to say that post-election they won’t re-align again? I think even BJP isn’t saying no to anybody. This open-ended game of political manoeuvrability and buying and having people crossover – the state has seen enough of that,” he said.
“The BJP and NPP are only interested in staying in power through the politics of manoeuvring but I am confident that the people of Meghalaya can see through this and they are aware and politically conscious to use their wisdom on February 27,” he added.
Pointing out that the Congress has a long history of commitment and performance, Pilot said that they are committed to fulfilling the promises they have made in their manifesto.
“The Congress has fielded young and fresh candidates which includes many women candidates. This fresh team under the leadership of Vincent Pala will bring good governance to the state. The congress gives opportunities to young people as seen from the 47 young candidates who are contesting from the congress party,” he said.
Stating that the Congress has always been focused on empowering the youth of the country and the state of Meghalaya, Pilot said, “the NPP-led Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (MDA) government and their alliance partner BJP have a lot to answer to the people of Meghalaya on the high rates of unemployment faced by the youth of Meghalaya. Both the NPP and BJP manifestos for 2023 have promised jobs for the youth but what were they both doing during the last five years? In their 2018 manifesto NPP promised employment generation programs for the youth and today we are seeing some of the highest rates of unemployment in the state. So what has the government done in the past five years?”
Pilot said that the high rate of multidimensional poverty reveals that the people of Meghalaya have remained poor because of a lack of employment which leads to a lack of purchasing power and therefore poverty.
“People of Meghalaya must remember that BJP and NPP make false promises if they could not generate employment in the last five years as promised in their old manifesto, they will never be able to fulfil the promises made in the new manifesto,” he added.
He said that Congress will establish a dedicated State University with a special focus on job-oriented and market-ready courses such as IOT (Internet of Things), Block Chain Technology, IT and ITES adding that the Congress government will encourage high-quality private educationists and non-profit trusts to start professional, technical, and vocational courses in the state for the benefit of the student community.
He also promised to create one job for every household in Meghalaya through the promotion of mass entrepreneurship.
The Meghalaya assembly polls will be held on February 27 along with Nagaland. The counting of votes will take place on March 2.

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