‘Fanaa’ marked a special occasion for Bollywood fans as it brought together two acclaimed actors, Aamir Khan and Kajol. As ‘Fanaa’ completed 17 years on Friday, actor Kajol revealed how she wore a chiffon salwar kameez at minus 27 degrees in a frozen lake for a song from the movie. Kajol’s Realistic AI Image Totally Resembles Nysa Devgan! (View Pic).
Taking to Instagram, Kajol shared a video and wrote, “One of my oh so many “comebacks” but Zooni will always remain special to me simply because I just had to be me without my glasses. #Nerds rock! And since you guys loved my memories let me give you some more.. Poland was -27 degrees centigrade on the first day of shoot and I was wearing a thin chiffon salwar kameez on a frozen lake with the wind chill factor aside… #AamirKhan on the other hand had bought himself a nice thick jacket from the local market just for the shoot. So his face did not have the natural pain that was there on my frozen face!! And the cherry on top of the whole scenario was that the whole song was scrapped and RESHOT when we got back to Mumbai!! Can we all just salute women and heroines all over the world who do these things and much worse just to look good! #17YearsOfFanaa ”
Check Out The Video Here:
The movie is a romantic drama set against the backdrop of the beautiful valleys of Kashmir. It tells the story of Zooni, a visually impaired Kashmiri girl, and Rehan, a tourist guide who hides a dangerous secret. Zooni, played by Kajol falls in love with Rehan, portrayed by Aamir Khan. Their love story takes an unexpected turn when Rehan’s true motives are revealed, leading to heartbreak, betrayal, and tragedy. Kajol Pens Cryptic Message on Social Media, Takes Dig at ‘Cowards’ and ‘Worthless’ People (View Pic).
Fanaa received positive reviews for its performances, music, and cinematography. Aamir Khan and Kajol’s on-screen chemistry was highly praised, and the film’s soundtrack, composed by Jatin-Lalit, became popular, especially the songs ‘Chand Sifarish’ and ‘Mere Haath Mein.’
Kajol, was last seen in Salaam Venky and Helicopter Eela. She will be seen sharing screen space with Ibrahim Ali Khan and Prithviraj Sukumaran in the remake of Suriya’s hit film Sarzameen.