10 Questions With Wolf Skywalkr

Today we had the opportunity to sit down with emerging LA artist ‘Wolf Skywalkr’.  We chatted with Wolf about his musical story and musical plans for this year.

Where Are You From Originally?

I am originally from Los Angeles, CA.  I was raised around the westside of L.A. near the Staples  Center and USC Campus area on Hoover and 22nd St.

When Did the Idea To Be an Artist Begin?

I’ve been singing since I was 10. I started writing music when I was 12. Still, I was always moving around because my dad was in the military, so I could not pursue my career as an artist, so it wasn’t until 2018 that I decided I would take it seriously.

What Is Your Favourite Project You’ve Worked on to Date?

My favourite project that I’ve worked on would have to be my single “Party.” The song is fantastic, and there is so much emotion behind it. Immediately when I heard the instrumental, I already had a melody in my head.

Can You Roughly Outline Your Creative Process – From the Beginning of an Idea for a Project or a Collaboration to the Point of Completion?

Most of my projects are never planned.  I get sent instrumentals constantly, and I listen if I can create a hook or melody to the beat. Once I’ve created a theme, and I like it, I will buy the beat, book the studio session to record, and continue writing and rehearse the song upon studio session. Once I am in the booth, I do not come out recording booth until I am finished recording and the time is up. I do not take any breaks. First, I start with the background singing behind the track, and then I record the chorus, then record the 1st verse and then the 2nd, and once all are perfected and finished, I’ll add Ad-Libs to the track.

How Is the Reality of Being an Independent

Artist Compare to Your Expectations of It?

The reality is very well what I expected, hard work non-stop and late nights are constantly working alone, whether it’s writing music or planning your next move all by yourself. It’s hard like I thought it’d be because everything falls under you financially, and being an artist is expensive If you want to make it. You have no label or team to help pay for instrumentals or studio time or promotion, etc.

What Are Some of the Biggest Challenges and Difficulties You Face When Starting New


One of the biggest challenges would be writer’s block. There are times where I’m writing a song, and I get stuck in the process, and I can’t think. Another challenge is finding studio time. There are times where I have a song ready, but my Studio Engineer is always booked, so sometimes I have to wait up to a month before I can record the music, and during that time, I sometimes lose the momentum or drive to record the song.

What Do You Do To Stay Calm When a Project Is Not Going As Planned?

I take deep breathes. I’ll inhale for 10 seconds and exhale for 10 seconds at least three times in a row. It allows me to slow my heart rate and calm down and focus better. Of course, going outside and getting some fresh air helps too.

Do You Have Any Insights, Tips or Advice For

Someone Looking To Start Their Music Career and Looking To Get Into the Music


My advice would be to make sure you have enough funds to support your music career. Stay consistent because consistency is what makes you more successful. Never give up or stop grinding because your time will come as long as you put the work and effort into your craft. There have been countless times where I wanted to give up but would not let myself. Also, surround yourself with other creatives that tend to help keep your drive and stay away from negative people cause they will try to dim your light and bring you down to their level. Stay positive and always stay strong and have faith. Remember that life is what you make it, and the possibilities are endless.

What Are You Most Proud of in Your Career So Far?

I am proud of the following I’ve gained in the last couple of years since I’ve pursued this life and all the love and loyalty I receive from my fans and supporters. I am proud of all my music because It’s done significant numbers in the last year. I am pleased that I am still working and have not given up on myself. But, most of all, I am proud of how far I’ve come and how determined I am to succeed.

What Do You Do When You’re Not Working?

When I’m not making music, I exercise and take care of my body and mind through meditation and swimming in my pool. I am hanging with my dog December or playing video games online with friends, or I’m outdoors hiking in the mountains and going on trips with my friends, spending time with my family. You know, human things.

Where Can People Find Out More About Your


You can find more about my work by googling “Wolf Skywalker” all of my work is on there as well.

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