Ananya Panday’s darling sister, Alanna Panday made headlines for her recent wedding with beau Ivor. The couple tied the knot in Mumbai and their wedding pictures were surreal. Alanna chose an all-white, heavily embellished lehenga by Manish Malhotra for her D-day and looked mesmerising as a bride. Her supremely smart choices for her special day prompted us to check out her Instagram page that’s filled with equally stunning pictures. While we are aware that Alanna loves her yearly holidays, we didn’t know that she adores luxury vacations. Alanna Panday and Ivor McCray Hug, Kiss and Perform Pheras in New Pics From Their ‘Fairytale’ Wedding!
One look at Alanna’s Instagram account and you realise that she loves travelling. From the Canary Islands in Spain to Tulum in Mexico and Palm Springs, California – Panday has been to all these exotic places that sound like a distant dream to us. While she loves flaunting her bikinis at some of the most serene beach locales, she also loves skiing in the mountains or simply enjoying the city life of Colorado. Her IG pictures will definitely make you envy her but that’s not going to stop us from sharing them with y’all. So, to prove our point and introduce her as the lover of luxury holidays, let’s check out 10 pictures from her best vacations.┬аAnanya Panday, Shanaya Kapoor Pose With Pal Orhan Awatramani at Alanna Panday and Ivor McCray’s Wedding (View Pics).
One From the Maldives
Crete, Greece!
Snowy Vacay in Oregon
One From Arizona
Santorini, Greece
Tulum, Mexico
From Los Angeles, California
When in Abu Dhabi
When in Colorado
So, stop thinking and follow her on Instagram already!
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Apr 07, 2023 12:00 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website