What Venus means for your love, romance and desire | Astrology

Venus is possibly the most important planet when it comes to love, romance and desire. When we read the Venus in a man’s chart, it reveals the kind of woman he is attracted to. Similarly for a woman it denotes the kind of lover she is, what she wants from the relationship and what she is willing to give.


This is a difficult placement for Venus and can make a native aggressive. In bed and in love, this person is possessive, jealous and often harsh. Very passionate individual with a humongous amorous appetite. But the restlessness pervading the native can be very distressing for marriage and relationship.


This is such a wonderful position for Venus, in her own earthy home. This Venus is sensual and loves touch and unforgettable sexual encounters. Women natives are very stable with their affections and are excellent in their domestic duties. They are very attractive to look at and their mates are head over heels for them. If Venus is afflicted, then it gives delayed marriage and immoral tendencies.


Venus is happy in the home of her friend Mercury and this position blends the beauty and grace of Venus with Mercurial ability. Conversations are pivotal to get the attention of a male with this placement. He wants his mate to seduce him with words, especially in bed. Definitely a touch of the poetic. A woman with this placement will love to have her admirers swoon over her verbal perspicacity. She is witty and humorous and knows how to engage her audience and often has more than one suitor.


This Venus, although mostly home-bound, is very well placed. Venus attracts and Cancer nurtures, which makes them an ideal fit. Definitely a well emotional placement and the native operates with this EQ more than IQ! Very responsive to emotions, which makes them very moody. These people have this inherent need to fall in love and be loved in return. Most male natives with the Oedipus complex have this placement.


This is a regal placement for Venus and if unafflicted, this position makes the native liberal, tender hearted, compassionate, kind and charitable. The watery feminine planet is rather fixed, hotheaded and opinionated in this fiery masculine sign. If such a native fixes their mind on someone, they will go to any length to proclaim their affection and will not waiver. They are passionate and warm people, with a voracious sexual appetite.


This is a sign where Venus gets debilitated. The blend of Mercury gives this Venus a spontaneity! These lovers will never open up and advocate their love to you. They like to keep their affections hidden in the crevices of their hearts. More often than not, these people are misunderstood by their lovers. Delays can be experienced when it comes to marriage and sometimes, they may even back out just before the ceremony. Yes, she can be a run-away bride. Sometimes women natives may marry someone who is chronically ill or handicapped in some way and she tries to heal and restore him.


This is possibly the best placement for Venus as this is her mool-trikon sign. Both men and women natives are very attractive and pleasant to the opposite sex. The airy and movable nature of Libra brings in numerous love attachments for short durations which are of course not always fruitful. This Venus is very sensual and flirty, but if true love happens, then these natives are in love with mind and spirit, of course with the body. Emotions can be blinding and the ritual of love means more than consummation.


Not a walk in the park surely, this placement. Its brooding, haunting and very intense. Scorpio rules the genitalia and Venus placed here is prone to a high libido. Natives without redeeming placements can burn in unbridled lust and incessant gratification of the sex drive. There is a unique blend of idealism about romance that comes with this placement, but often natives are disappointed in love and haughty. Men natives fall for the Femme Fatale and seek dangerous liaisons that can affect their reputation or friendships.


These natives tend to look for the fantastic in romances. They have high ideals and huge expectations. However, both men and women cannot concentrate for long on one individual and they must keep moving and meeting new people, discovering new lovers. They seek out someone with refined tastes and high ideals, someone they can develop and grow with. They are the most likely candidates to go for unconventional relationships or open marriages. They love teasing the opposite sex and travel is one way through which they meet their lovers. Passionate and intense love affairs happen with foreigners in faraway lands.


Here Venus manifests with the desire to mate with someone who is in a high position, someone with social status and a heavy bank balance. Emotions and love take the back seat. Marriages are seen as a way to enhance status and rise up the social ladder with material gains involved or it’s a no show. This does not make them heartless gold diggers! On the contrary they are quite steadfast in their affections and once committed, they take love very seriously. Definitely not the ones up for some PDA (public display of affections!)


This placement is rather peculiar as Venus operates on the basis of certain ideals rather than love and emotions. Love is an idea, not an emotion. In the case these natives divorce, they are more than likely to remain friends with their exes. Their lovers appear abruptly, out of the blue and things move very quickly. They are the types of live-in with their lovers before tying the knot and many never actually formally get married; if they do decide to go for the traditional marriage scene, it happens during their middle years and their spouse is either much older or younger. For men, this Venus brings older and more experienced women and women natives tend to fall for the older guys.


This is the sign in which watery, feminine Venus is exalted! Soft, dreamy and melancholic, a few keywords to describe these natives. There is a certain depth of feelings in them, but these need to be awakened and kindled. Isolation is a strong possibility after having their hearts broken because if they find disappointment in love, they feel that their earthly incarnations have not been fruitful. They remain unfulfilled. The victim/savior complex is often evident with this placement. They seek to be “saved” and then they want to do the saving, which is why they might fall for someone else once they’ve “healed” their present partner. They are kind and caring and will often sacrifice their own happiness to accommodate their lover.

The article has been authored by Tina Mukerji, a soul guide working with Astrology, Tarot, Psychism, Yoga, Tantra, Breathwork and Mantras. She works to discover the inherent archetypes, by studying astrological charts.


    She is a soul guide working with Astrology, Tarot, Psychism, Yoga, Tantra, Breathwork and Mantras. She works to discover the inherent archetypes, by studying astrological charts.
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